Before I damage the busa anymore.....Need Help



I am taking off the front cowl, it has these plastic inserts, not sure what they are and do not know how to take them off. Any ideas. I already tried to pry one open on the inside fairing and it cracked.
Do they have a Flat head with a circle in the center? If they do you just take a sharp pointed tool & push in the center & it releases --
If that it?

I tried in earlier bikes to tear them out....
Thanks horse that sound like what I am looking at.... I will try it and let you know
U mean the one that is used for securing the inner panels under the windshield? The small black plastic quick release/lock pins i presume ..... well its kindof simple, its actually a 2 pc component. Prying it with a screwdriver or forcing it out will result in it getting worn out(looser) or it will break the legs or inner pin. The way to remove it is to press the inner pin(located in the middle of the whole component), once the pin goes in the legs wrapping the pin will close up and u can then pry it out easily without damaging it. When putting it back, pull the inner pin back out, then insert into hole of panel u wish to secure, push inner pin in flush to outer ring and walah!

Thanks guys.... I have never come across that type of pin before.... What you both suggested worked....
I ordered a few extra of those small "whatchamacallits" along with a few of the larger ones below the triple tree. I know I'll break a few taking the fairing on and off when taking them in for service.