I wanted to bring this topic up to date so others will have a better understanding of what can happen if you ever decide to change the shim inside the BEGI.
I checked the shims inside the BEGI I purchased directly from Corky at Bell Engineering. As I expected, both shims were .003" thick. After reading the posts on various forums, I decided to replace the lower shim with one that was .010" thick.
As I set up the LM-2 to log AF, RPM and TPS, everything appeared to be heading in the right direction, including the AF readings. Don't get me wrong, the AF readings weren't perfect by any means, but that's what I expected considering I'm trying to taylor someone elses map to work with my bike.
It wasn't until I began creating log files last weekend that I noticed something was seriously wrong. It wasn't noticeable while watching the LCD screen on the LM-2, but when I ran LogWorks, it showed the AF ratio constantly spiking between the lowest reading (7.35) and the highest reading (22.39) of my O2 sensor.
To make this short, I went back to the original .003" shim, and even before I began to record a log, I noticed the LM-2 display showed readings that were different, not by a lot, but different... as though the changes in the AF readings were slightly smoother. But after looking at a new log file? The difference was dramatic. Now I have something to work with.
One point I'm trying to stress here is this... the BEGI has a .003" shim for a reason. The thicker the shim, the less flex it has, and the less gradual changes in the AF mixture will be. It wasn't obvious when I initially set up the BEGI and it wasn't obvious as I watched the LM-2 display either. It wasn't until I recorded a log file that the problem became apparent. I'm guessing that's because the LM-2 display can't update as frequently as what the unit can capture during a recording, so the display can be deceiving.
I'm going to post screen captures of a portion of both log files. One is the log file using the thicker .010" shim, and the other is the log file using the original .003" shim. The difference is so dramatic you will instantly know which one is which.
Not that I plan to change anything soon, but I also have shim stock that's .005" so I may try that some day just to see what happens. But either way, I plan to check the shims inside the BEGI on a regular basis since I can easily get to them without even removing the BEGI from my bike... it's installed in an upright position under the tank. Just pinch the fuel lines and start removing the bolts.
So if any of you have replaced the shim in your BEGI with a thicker version, unless you've actually recorded log files, I'm not convinced the change is really what you want.