Beginning Again

LA Busa

Top 5 Femme Moto Finisher
Donating Member
I have been reading this board for about two hours and loved the thoughts, the rants, the unusal politeness, the info and all of the cool pictures people have posted. I especially loved to read about all of the new riders or people who are planning to buy a Busa as their first bike. I too am thinking very seriously about buying one of these beasts and there is, in this day and age, no place better than a good message board to do some learning and exploring to get all the ammo you need to help make a well-rounded decision.

Let me give all of those who are new to this motorcycle thing something to read, the way all of you have done for me.

I am 40 and ripped up the roads of 'Bama all through the 80s and have scars and a healed broken leg to remind me of my mis-spent youth on bikes. I had Kawasakis, Hondas and rode a Yamaha 650 Maxim into the back of pickup because some chick in a bikini was waving at me! That was the end of my ridership for nearly 20 years. Then, one day about a year ago, my wealthy bro-inlaw got this bike and called me. He got it as partial payment for a job he did for someone and he had never ridden and had no intention of starting. It was (and is) an '83 Gold Wing that is mint! Fully dressed, shines like a mirror and has appointments that I did not know would fit on a motorcycle! It had around 40K original miles on it and was suddenly in my garage! He had this "here, you take it, its yours" mentallity.

I was giddy, I was terrified.

For a while I just shined it, replaced fuses, replaced tires (it had been sitting for a WHILE) did what I could to give it some respect for its age and condition (I am a restorer of older Corvettes and was able to fix it up a tick without hurting it too badly) and let that be that.

Then, one day, I decided to ride it around my neighborhood. I live in the largest subdivision in Alabama and we have a zillion miles of one lane, one way roads and I figured that this was a good place to get out and make a fool of myself and I did just that.

This bike weighs, according to the manual I bought, about 830lbs. I cant think of a worse bike to throw a leg over if you have never ridden and at that point I was a newbie to the Nth.

Things went by very quickly and all could think about was my old a** hitting something! I was (I'll say it again) terrified. I meandered around parking lots and practiced parking, starting from a stop, turning from a stop, forgetting the side stand was down, you name it, I did it. One old sage I know laughed and told me to "look where you are going, not where you are" and that was huge advice!  I rode for around 3 months before putting it out on major roads and highways and slowly got to where I was confident that I could ride it well enough to avoid a crash - I am still scared to death of teenage girls in Honda Civics though!

To date, I have never taken a riding course (which is probably stupid of me), I have never dropped it and have never had any sort of wreck. My wife loves to ride down to the beach with me and my 9 year old son thinks we are kings when we are tooling down the side of the bay.

Mine is probably a rare success story of someone who should have thought better of it but came out in one piece. I was not scared of a thing 20 yeas ago and I think some of the new riders / purchasers, may be in that testosterone soaked mode as they post here.

Several weeks ago (I am a manager for a transportation company) I responded to a vehicle accident that one of our trucks was involved in and what had happened was this guy on a Ninja tried to take a 90 degree turn, layed it over, hit our left front wheel popping it and bending the rim (If you hit a 18 wheelers tire and pop it, you were moving), and he nearly died. I got to talk to his distraught sister at the scene and she said he "had just bought it".
He survived but will have some severe limitations.

I guess I just wanted to give something back to this board with this possibly boring post....
I have never posted on any motorcycle boards but I wanted to strongly urge anyone who thinks that a Busa is a good place to start is probably wrong. I was wrong for riding that Wing the way I did but fear of death (which comes more often with age) probably kept me "from being hosed off of the street". I am still lobbying the wife to "let me" buy a Busa, its soooo much easier with buy in from them eh?  I expect to have one by my birthday which is later this year.

Again, thanks to all of you for the info on this bike. Yall have a great board here and I plan to read it often as I approach dropping $12K on one of these bikes. Not sure if I will like the "hunched over" sport bike riding position, not sure about being able to ride without a stereo! *Gold Wing spoiled me* Not sure about a lot of things but I encountered a guy riding a sport bike about a week ago, watched the way he seemed to move so easily through the parking lot and thought it was the sexiest, hottest looking thing on the road (his was a red Yamaha F1..... I think thats what he called it). I got him to pull over, talked to him a minute and the next thing I know I am in dealerships talking and looking! Quickly determined that the Busa is without peer. I WANT one!

Did not mean to sound preachy and I'll shut up now!

Ride Careful!
'40' is OLD??? JEEEZ MAN nobody told me! Crap. Do I have to grow up now or something??

Busa's handle great and don't hunch NEAR as much as others... and HELI-BARS fix that anyway. I agree it's no starter bike - noobs NEEDED restricted power... or should the government step in and help? They seem to step in when we are too stupid to SELF govern. Oh well. Good luck in starting your adventure. You will NOT be disappointed!

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Welcome YH2K,

AH, youve experienced the lure of the sportbike. Fast, sleek, flickable and mysterious to those who dont know
anything about them.

Once you enter there is no going back.

Congrats on your future Busa.
Great read! Keep that mind set and you will be fine. Introduce your new Busa (when you get it) to the same parking lot and get nice and comfy with it and you will be fine.

Yes age does make you realize you are not indestructible!

Good luck, ride safe and have fun!
Good read m8. The Busa is Fab-O-rific! I've rode several bikes over the years, and the Busa has become more than another bike to me, it has become an experience. Is the bike sexy, well some say yes and some say no. Is the Busa the bike to beat on the road...again this is open to debate. If I take away what I hear from others, and what I read on the net, Im left with my own humble opinion. The Busa is an "Operator", a bike that is pure enjoyment on so many levels. I could write a short book on the multiple ways this bike makes me feel so alive compared to anything else Ive ridden.
the 'hunched over' position is not as bad on the hayabusa as it is on other sportbikes.

radio? did you say 'not being able to ride without a stereo'?
our members have come up with ways to have a busa crankin down the road and music galore!
I turned 44 last February.

Old to me is when I cannot hold the bike up anymore.

As far as I'm concerned that is way into the future.

Just use your good sense and respect the power and you will be fine.
Well if 40 is old, I'm damn sure a geezer at 53!
(Been told I look 40 though.)

I have a similar story you might find interesting. I road dirt and street bikes from age 10 through my late 30's; even some fast ones (for that day) Kawi H1, H2, KZ1000, etc. Even moon-lighted as a bike saleman for a couple of years and road many, many bikes. Amateur class motorcross rider too. In the mid-80's I had a real-close-call and decided all the traffic in my area was squeezing the fun out of riding, so I gave up street riding and sold my KZ1000. A few years later I bought a 2001 CR500 and drove that only occasionally. Couple of years later I sold the CR500. Now no bikes at all.

15+ years go by...

A buddy of mine calls me up a few months ago and says he's got the bug to buy a Wing, brand new one with all the bells and whistles. He tries to convince me I need one too. I didn't say it, but my first thought was, "Even if I was in my frinken' 70's, I'm still not sure I'd be old enough to drive a Wing!" (No offense to the Wing riders out there! Wing's just aren't for me.)

Anyway, my buddy got me thinking about riding again. Actually every spring since I sold my Kawi I would think about buying another street bike, but would talk myself out of it because of all the traffic in my area.

So here we go..., now I have the bike bug again. A short time later I start to get serious about buying a Yamaha FJR1300. The FJR seemed to have everything I wanted; power (145), plenty of torque (99ft-lbs), good throttle response, decent riding position and handling, plenty of snap-on storage if I needed it, and it was fairly sporty. So I buy one. I tell ya..., even with years of eariler riding experience I was one nervous dude driving that thing back home from the dealer!

Prior to buying my FJR I had considered several different sport bikes including a R1, Gixxer, Hayabusa and others. Never drove 'em, but sat on several of them. At the time I categorized sport bikes (including the Busa) as, "just too uncomfortable" and steered towards the sport/touring machines instead.

Eventually I got comfortable riding again and felt right-at-home on the FJR. But a funny thing happened. While the FJR was "comfortable", it got a bit too comfortable and the thrill factor started dropping away. Dont' get me wrong, the FJR is a nice bike and I still own it but...

Sometime later I run across this forum. After a lot of reading I decided I need a Busa! The next thing you know I own a 2005. It quickly becomes the 2nd love of my life. The only thing that pisses me off is, I didn't buy one sooner (plus wasted a lot of years not riding at all). In any case, there's certainly no shortage of thrills now!

The Busa will damn sure bite ya (read: hurt or kill) if you disrespect it (as any bike will), but with some good common sense (and initally at least, careful throttle management!), it'll return a thousand thrills per mile.

40 isn't old. My suggestion is, don't waste any more time. Buy a Busa. You'll love it!


The only thing that sucks about 40 for me is that I had to wait that long to top 200 mph with my own vehicle.