Best aftermarket windshield for Gen 3?

I ride in a lot of sunshine. Dark smoke ZG works good for me. I have one for the 2005, now I need one for the 22 but they're still not making that one yet.
That would explain why I can’t find any after a quick Google search. Makes sense if the bike was just released a few months ago.
I was at my local dealership a couple of weekends ago just browsing, saw the new busas and fell in love on the spot so I don’t have a lot of exposure to these bikes yet.
Powerbronze is out with theirs posted to FB





While you're looking, abs plastic sheilds are very strong, but show scratches easily, and their optics aren't nearly as clear as acrylic sheilds, which are superior in every way except strength, as they have less flex and can be cracked or broken much easier.
Pay attention to which material when you order.
I like to look through the sheild in a tuck, so a clear veiw is important.
But, if you want a dark or black sheild, the cheaper abs is a better option, as you aren't looking through it anyway.