best laser jammer lidar? do they work

Can send one out any time you are ready.

Buy Now: Cheetah M-27 Rider Laser Jammer for Motorcycles Bikes | Pashnit Moto

Lot of info, FAQ's answered on the page, plus vids.


I am skeptical that they would work. I mean, if you took the chance and bought it then got pulled over that would be an expensive learning curve. Why don't the laser jammer companys do a test showing the laser being jammed? I would def buy it if I could see a demonstration.
I am skeptical that they would work. I mean, if you took the chance and bought it then got pulled over that would be an expensive learning curve. Why don't the laser jammer companys do a test showing the laser being jammed? I would def buy it if I could see a demonstration.

just checked out the cheetah m27 rider laser jammer. wow, $647. i better just make sure i have enough gas to outrun 'em :laugh: j/k
I cant see how this works. The laser beam shot out of a laser is only the size of a dime...if the beam were aimed anywhere other than where the jammer is installed, it seems like it wouldnt do any good.

A radar on the other hand, shoots out a big wave of rays, and i could see the jammer working on it, but not the laser.
I cant see how this works. The laser beam shot out of a laser is only the size of a dime...if the beam were aimed anywhere other than where the jammer is installed, it seems like it wouldnt do any good.

A radar on the other hand, shoots out a big wave of rays, and i could see the jammer working on it, but not the laser.

Did you even watch the videos I posted?!
you cannot stop radar only lidar and when 500ft away that beam is 18" wide from what I watched. This is a really great thing I just need a few weeks to come up with the cash. I spend too much:laugh:
I was just looking at things on the site and seen this thread. I had the M20-M25 cannot remember the model exact number on my 2007 Hayabusa. It did work for me. I ran into about 5 situations that it worked. I know it works because the one time a police officer pulled me over, he was pulling me over for lane changing to quickly without using signals. So no matter what he was going to pull me over. I was going about 20 miles over the speed limit when I passed him changing lanes. I cannot remember the distance, when I was approaching him my head phone is my helmet notified me that there was laser being shot at me and it was jamming. I was going about 100 and let off the gas and bike slowed down some as I went by him. He came after me. I was on my way to work and I figured it would be a good idea to pull over (other times see ya) since I was confident that he was not pulling me over from speed. I figured I would see what he had to say. It was a Franklin County Sherrif's department in the state of Ohio. I pulled over and he came up to me. Since I have a conceal carry license I had to tell him that I have a CCW and that I was currently unarmed. He stated that the reason that he pulled me over was because I was changing lanes without blinkers on. I showed him my after market tail I had and he seen that it was small lenses on it. He agreed that he may have not seen them working, when I actually was using them. Showed him that they did work. He than stated the obvious to me. He stated that I KNOW YOU WERE SPEEDING....but for some reason that he could not get my speed on his laser gun. I was smiling and giggling to myself out loud. He stated (nicely) what was funny. I explained to him the reason that he could not get my speed is because the bike is smaller and more air dynamic. (laughing inside thinking.....fooled you). He stated that maybe that is it.....he than stated that, I cannot prove that you were speeding...but told me that he knew I was and to slow down. Gave me my ID and off to work I go.

Another instance I was coming home from work and I was coming down this hill. There was the police about quarter mile down the road trying get me with laser. My alarm went off and let go of the throttle. I went by him going speed limit. When he first tagged me I was going about 90 in a 70 saved me again.

Another time I went to South Carolina and drove to Florida with my brother on Busas. When I drove back to SC by myself, I was flying......there was a long bridge that was on I95 and I was in Georgia. I hit this bridge about 120 alarm went off and there was a car that I was coming up on fast...slowed down and stayed behind the car and Georgia State Patrol, never bothered me.

These jammers do work. However, you need to make sure to slow down when they go off. So that they don't pull you over by seeing you are speeding clearly by eye site. I never got a speeding ticket when I had it.

This bike got hit by a drunk driver.....I got another bike and I have not added this to my new busa yet.

I hope that my real life experience using them helps someone.
They work period :-), but you have to be careful on a bike as they sometimes target the riders helmet! I've owned them all from Bel, blinder, escort, & Laser Interceptor (LI) the later being at the top of the rung. Real life experience and personally testing with individual laser guns I can tell u that they work as advertised. The Blinder is a very good led based unit and for the money is at the top of its game.