Best slip ons....rear pillion aftermarket available?


Since I am still pretty new to this site I have a couple of questions for the "old timers". Is there a consensus of opinion yet on the best slip on pipes?Thank You everyone.

[This message has been edited by 201mph (edited 19 February 2000).]

Cycle Stuff had a post about a pair of slip-ons that had very and I mean VERY impressive HP gains over the stock system. You may want to email him directly. He is one of the regular members here on the .org that is always willing to help.

Ride Safe, Bob
How's the weather in Palm Beach?
Did you get the BUSA yet?
Hope you did not go to the boat show, cause I would not want you to by a boat intead of the BUSA! :)

Ride Safe, Bob
slip ons are a waste of money,if you want power than do the blue printing on the engine and get a full system.If you want noise just remove the inner guts of your stock pipe.Save your money and get a radar detector!!!!!My twenty dollars worth.
Does anyone have an answer for the aftermarket rear pillion question? Would be nice to carry a passenger thats not in pain. Has anyone done anything about fluffing up that back seat? Passenger claims cheeks won't pucker if numb and may slide off!
Hey Cisco, I have read your comments about removing the guts of the stock cans. Have you done that? What does it sound like? Does it void the warranty?
Omega; Why infamous? (I mean,other than the goofy alien thing), is their build quality poor or something? Are they overestimating the bump in HP that they claim, or what?

[This message has been edited by 201mph (edited 21 February 2000).]
The service manager at my local shop told me that gutting the stock pipe could actually result on loss of power. He also told me that they would remap my bike (for 100.00)and without me changing anything he could increase the power because the factory settings are "too conservative". I know some of you guys have been wrentching on bikes for a long time and some do it for a living. IS HIS ADVICE LEGIT? Thanks.
I have 2 customers that run with out the stock cans.Just unbolt from the 3 nuts./
One dynoed his and no change same for down the track pulled plugs and looked fine just make a different sound than stock.Do not gut them it is not worth spending all that time just buy a pipe if you want sound
Stelth is great when your running from the police, or should I say failed to see you. Performance and sound are a must to harness the true power of the Busa.
I like my polished aluminum Two Bros cans. They sound wonderful, and look it, too. Especially with my polished wheels (black & gray 99 Busa). I don't know if they produce any more power or not and I don't really care. Power is just not an issue on this bike for any kind of semi-normal street riding, which is what I do with it.

I happen to like the symmetry of two cans, so I never considered a 4-2-1 system.