Bessie is an '01, so your manual might be a little different from mine. But the axle goes through the brake caliper adapter/bracket, so you have to loosen the nut on the TQ arm to swivel it out of the way as you remove the axle...MC - My manual starts the process on 6-43 and doesn't mention the brake caliper or arm removal.
Did I get the right manual???
The left side spacer has an indentation on the outside that the end of the axle locks into. The right side is fairly flat on the outside as the axle nut butts up to it. You should be able to see the marks where the adjusting bolts have contacted the spacers to determine front to back. I wish I had my bike here at work to double check for you and to ride home after(Old'n Rusty @ Sep. 18 2006,12:21) Hi Guys,
I've been around for a while, but this is my first post. I removed the rear wheel and brought it in to the shop get the tire changed. When I went to re-install I can't seem to remember which side the spacers go. I'm assuming the larger one goes with the sprocket and the smaller one on the rotor side. TIA for any help in this matter.
I answered in the other thread(nicholonious @ Nov. 12 2006,20:54) So far I ran into a problem. The bike stand is on, the rear is lifted, the pin is out, but the axel nut is stuck in place. I greased it with WD-40 and it still doesn't budge. Has anyone ran into this problem, and if so, any solutions they suggest?
I'm using the stock wrench found in the rearseat toolkit. Should I get a longer shafted wrench for more torque?
(nicholonious @ Nov. 12 2006,20:54) So far I ran into a problem. The bike stand is on, the rear is lifted, the pin is out, but the axel nut is stuck in place. I greased it with WD-40 and it still doesn't budge. Has anyone ran into this problem, and if so, any solutions they suggest?
I'm using the stock wrench found in the rearseat toolkit. Should I get a longer shafted wrench for more torque?