Better helmet lock?


Of all the bikes I've owned, the Busa has the worst helmet lock of all. That clip under the rear seat truly stinks for locking up your helmet. I can barely get the helmet D-rings to hook onto it, let alone get the hump back on.

I'm thinking about getting a really short cable lock and using the grab bar behind the seat. That would be super secure through the full face helmet, but probably not so good for the paint.

So what do you guys do? Any suggestions?
i slip my helmet d-rings on and off that clip in split seconds..not sure how you are doing it. I really dont have an issue with it. My bike is a Gen1, no idea on the GenII..
I use a lock extender. But the other day a saw a bolt on helmet lock on a cruiser. Dint look too bad, but the placement was poor - on the riders peg and that let the helmet sit on the ground.
Gen 1 I have never had a problem with it, only easier bike I have had was a cruiser without bags.
You have to use the lower D ring then kinda pull out (not really pull just light pressure) and rest in the cut out of the tail section. The helmet is completely out of the way for the seat. Then my personal preference after the seat or hump is on I rest the helmet on the Frankin bolts to keep it off the paint.
Yeah, I can do it, but it's crude. You shouldn't have to take your seat or hump off to lock your helmet on. I really miss some of my UJMs. My old GS700E had a nice helmet lock with a key on each side of the bike. Some of the bolt-on locks like NoMoreToys saw on a cruiser are like that, In fact, I'd get something like the one below if I could figure out a good place to bolt it onto the bike.

I have a Gen I and have had no real problems with locking up my helmet if I need to lock it on the bike.