I have this one and it is a lot more sturdy. the other ones your bike can slide on. you do have to get spools for your swingarm but it is a lot safer to go with this stile.
Low Profile Rear Motorcycle Spool Stand
How about this one? unless you dont have space for it.
1000 Lb. Capacity Motorcycle Lift - Lifts & Stands - Automotive & Motorcycle
I bought this one but I can always return it, I want to use it for everything I can schexy1. I am going to need to replace a hub on my bike this week. I know you hvae to take both front plastics off to use it but it seemed like more clearance than the stands offer.
For sure not the second one, Redline makes great stands also, And not much more than them.
why not the second one? can you give me some cons to it
why not the second one? can you give me some cons to it
OK so I took back the lift and got the rear tire stand
Thanks for all the advice, I should have checked first then bought lol