Bike Master HD chain tool OR Motion Pro


I'm in the market for a quality chain Rivet-Press-breaker tool. I do a lot of work on bikes and other motorsports, and know that quality tools make a difference. Both tools look like they will do the job well, but as most mechanics know TOOLS WILL BREAK period and the bike master offers a lifetime warranty! Just looking for reviews on both fro. Fellow members, and before anyone starts in did a search not much on the bike master thanks
Mr.Nix said:
I'm in the market for a quality chain Rivet-Press-breaker tool. I do a lot of work on bikes and other motorsports, and know that quality tools make a difference. Both tools look like they will do the job well, but as most mechanics know TOOLS WILL BREAK period and the bike master offers a lifetime warranty! Just looking for reviews on both fro. Fellow members, and before anyone starts in did a search not much on the bike master thanks

I got the $80 one from motion pro, and it broke it first time I used it.... I didn't think I was that hard on it..

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I have a Motion Pro and it is very good quality.
I've used it on several bikes and it works as it should every time.
It's as good as any Mac, Matco, Snap-on or Craftsman tools in my opinion.
You can tell it's as good as it looks as soon as you use it. None of the pins bend and it's not made out of low grade pot metal.
This is not the first Motion Pro I've used either.
Never heard a good wotrd abiut the Motion Pro tool. Many have had it break on them. That BikeMaster HD chain tool looks like JUST what you need and you found a bargain. Think I paid about $270 for my EK chain tool. Looks very similar. Worked like a charm.......Just hope they used good quality steel on that BikeMaster. My EK will last me a lifetime. Better. It sure cost enough.

I'd go with that hefty MotionPro but not that skinny little one. IDK what I paid for the EK tool I pictured above....I do know it was just a bit less than the brand new EK ZZZ chain I bought off Ebay.
Yeah I did a search on ebay and found the motion pro I'm perfectly happy with it. I guess it all depends on if you're price hunting and watching your $'s.
Well I went with the Bike Master price was just to good at $80 shipped to the door and Lifetime warranty. But my official review of the tool is its very well out together and feels heavy duty if anyone needs one thus tool rocks.