Bike Week


Dan (Dan1995) and I left Port Charlotte to head to Daytona for Bike week. The temp was 46 at 8am which was a little cool for me but not bad. We left from my house which from the GPS showed it would be a little more than 3 hours. It was a beautiful ride going through the back roads of Fl until we got around Orlando and traffic was bumper to bumper and I think we got to 30 mph a couple of time.
As we got closer to Daytona it was clutch in clutch out about a million times but it was cool and we were having fun with ever other biker it the world it seem. About that little more than 3 hour trip became a 6 hour trip before we park the bikes, wow. My fully charged camera started to die fast so I only got a few photos.
When we left to go home I think that everyone left at the same time because it was bumper to bumper again leaving Daytona heading to Orlando, I think the fasted we got was 10 mph but after an hour we realize that there was no traffic on the east bound lane of I-4 and we were heading west, so at that point we knew that it was a accident ahead of us. Somewhere around the hour mark in the traffic motorcycle started to use the break down lane so we jumped in and got to 35mph and the excitement began.
I think we saved about an hour using that lane and we were up and running again but now it was getting colder as we were heading home. I had to pull over a few times to drink coffee to warm up and the temp was around 43 with no sun, I froze my butt off but for Dan he was ok with the cold and we made it home safe a little after 12am. Hope you guys enjoy the photos.

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My gps showed 10:20 hr of total time, 8:54 hr of moving time, stopped time 1:26 hr, total miles 423.1 and top speed:whistle: not as fast as Dan:laugh:
lololol funny randy it was a great ride next time we do bike week my way lolololol
Dang Joker...wassup no love for the Lycan when I come to town huh?:laugh:
Dang Joker...wassup no love for the Lycan when I come to town huh?:laugh:

It was a day trip that turned into more that 10 hr of riding time because of traffic. Everyone that Dan and I was going to meet did not show up. Next time:beerchug: