It's an 08 with 7k miles. I just bought it from the original owner.
The bike sat for a few years but he said he started it up once a month. I don't know how true this is.
The gas smelled bad but it did start right up and run so I rode it.
I went wide open on a 2nd gear roll on. about 6-8k rpm or higher it'll fall on its face. I start to let off of the throttle and it will start to pull again. I didn't see if it would reach a higher rpm with less throttle say 1/2 or 3/4 throttle but wide open it will not.
We drained all the old fuel out and ran it dry. Put fresh fuel in it thinking it is the fuel but it is not. It still does the same thing with fresh fuel. I've been driving it daily but it still has this issue.
Why would it fall on its face when wide open or at higher rpms?
Is there something that is triggered when higher rpms or wide open throttle takes place?
I saw another set of injectors, what are these for?
I read a similar post that a secondary throttle blades may not be opening. What would this do if they do not open?
Any help would be appreciated gentlemen. Thanks.
The bike sat for a few years but he said he started it up once a month. I don't know how true this is.
The gas smelled bad but it did start right up and run so I rode it.
I went wide open on a 2nd gear roll on. about 6-8k rpm or higher it'll fall on its face. I start to let off of the throttle and it will start to pull again. I didn't see if it would reach a higher rpm with less throttle say 1/2 or 3/4 throttle but wide open it will not.
We drained all the old fuel out and ran it dry. Put fresh fuel in it thinking it is the fuel but it is not. It still does the same thing with fresh fuel. I've been driving it daily but it still has this issue.
Why would it fall on its face when wide open or at higher rpms?
Is there something that is triggered when higher rpms or wide open throttle takes place?
I saw another set of injectors, what are these for?
I read a similar post that a secondary throttle blades may not be opening. What would this do if they do not open?
Any help would be appreciated gentlemen. Thanks.