Bike won't start


after i took my fuel pump apart to clean it.I install it back on the bike it will not start. The pump comes on every time i hit the start button. need help A.s.ap :( :(
were you having trouble with fuel pump to take it apart and clean it? You say the pump comes on when you hit the start button. What about when you have everything on ready to start, not hitting start button, do you hear the pump kick on for about a 1/2 sec. then off?
The fuel pump goes off few sec. after i hit The start button but it will not turn over also i can hear the pump come on with every try
If the engine is not turning over make sure you have all your connections rtght. I'm not sure if there is any connection between the fuel pump and starter. Check fuses. see if you have power to starter when start button is pushed. Is the starter even try to kick over?
all connection are good the starter is turning over just won't start. i put five gallons of gas back in it
More info needed,why did you take the pump apart? Was it running before? What year bike? etc....
I took the pump apart because my bike was stalling when it's on a half a tank. I was going to buy a filter for it.but can't remove old i put it back together my bike is a 99 also my bike was runnning before i took the pump apart.

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OK you can hear the pump running. the starter is turning the engine over, but will not start. All your connections are tight and fuses are good. Right? try this: See if you are getting spark, make sure fuel pump is actually pumping the fuel.
how do u check to see if u have sparks. i pull the spark plugs one it atime laid on the engine and did not see sparks while i was trying to start the bike.not sure if done correctly

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I'm gonna say its a bad pump,the plus is yours is external.Its a 99,prolly time for a new pump anyway.:;):
how do u check to see if u have sparks. i pull the spark plugs one it atime laid on the engine and did not see sparks while i was trying to start the bike.not sure if done correctly
Glad to hear you got it started and yes that is a way to check and see if the plugs are firing. And, to check to see if fire is getting to plug, just leave plug in, pull wire off, put a phillips head screw driver in boot, hold to a ground and turn enginr over. If you see a spark its reaching the plug. Then check the way you did for plug fire. Good job!