Bikefest Midwest

too far for me... 400 mi for me... thats like 6 hrs.
Hey brown ill bethere
You didn't show, where were you???

The attitudes at that place sucks balls. Not really the racers, but the people who run it. I understand that there are rules and that they are strict with them, but they way they enforce them and the tone/attitude that comes with it is uncalled for.

Jeremy called and was told "Leather jacket, gloves, boots and helmet ONLY" in other words, no full leathers required. WHen we got there, we were told that they were infact required, and we would not be allowed to run faster than 120 mph, or ten flat w/o a liscense.

What was funny was that they allowed guys with leather dress jackets and thin-ass leather dress(?) pants to run it out the back door. If I had known that, I would have gone and spent the $75 on the stupid pants and looked like a member of the village people. One guy had a letterman's jacket with leather sleeves and a twill center, and he was allowed to run it out. It is weird that I ran it through and had a 10.27 @135 and not a word was said, but let off and ran 122 and got bitched at.....

They were bitching and yelling about the way people were lining up to get out of the sun, since they were not in two single file lines, too.

On one hand, the track hooked great, and I had a good time, but the fat guy with the attitude can suck it.
Yeah Sam what happened to you?
I had a good time, all things considered, but the fat tech guy is an a$$hole of the highest order. 10.25 @ 133 was my best, I'm a little dissapointed.
Where di you guys go afterwards? We had a little trouble on the way home, but never saw you go by. Had to break out the YSR to get to the next exit......:blush:
Well, apparently Jason did not fill the tank up before we left home, and I never bothered to look at it. As we came into the construction, we ran out of gas. We nursed it to the 64/57 interchange and coasted a little further. Then I hopped on the ysr to buy a fuel jug and a gallon of gas:D The girl behind the counter wanted to go for a ride, lol. I then rode the YSR the wrong way down the side of the road, and the wrong way down the ramp, etc..... Quite comical, to be honest!
Well, apparently Jason did not fill the tank up before we left home, and I never bothered to look at it.  As we came into the construction, we ran out of gas.  We nursed it to the 64/57 interchange and coasted a little further.  Then I hopped on the ysr to buy a fuel jug and a gallon of gas:D   The girl behind the counter wanted to go for a ride, lol.   I then rode the YSR the wrong way down the side of the road, and the wrong way down the ramp, etc.....  Quite comical, to be honest!
Oops! Guess we need to get cell #'s before the next trip, huh.