Biker babe pics?


I think this is the first cycle site I've been to that didn't at least have a LINK to some cycle babe pics.. Is this site sponsored by the Amish or somethin'?

Please share links w/the rest of the class, or PM them if they can't be posted. Thanks!

We try it every once in a while and when the feeding frenzy starts and we end up pullin the whole thing.

Guess we just cant handle it ...
Sheesh. (to GunnyBusa)

For the other post, you mean b/c things get too racy?


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Not sponsered by the amish just Adults and if the Adults wanted to look at them pics we would go to a pic site for it . We keep this site a family oriented site . There are women and children that frequant this site . And if we started posting women pics then sooner or later it would get out of hand..
That makes sense, BusaSamurai-  I wasn't aware that there were that many of the opposite gender checking this site regularly.  That's actually very impressive!


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georgiabusa for one has a young daughter that rides with him she looks at the site ,VaBusa is female.and others as well .There are pics here like that but they will be put behind links so that it is the persons choice to look or not. Its just people dont know where to stop and next thing you know you open a page and wam in your face .. Dont want my 12 year old to see it . Could you imagine what would happen if say you and one of your 8year old nieces was looking at the site and opened a window to say a busa bling post and wam you got 3 of them stretched out in a dog pile . Explain that one to Momma..
Here's the closet your gonna get to pics of 'Biker Chicks' here...

Hey, yamahor don't you think you workin the $hit out of that fat boy up in your avatar? its just hurts me every time I look at your avatar...I would just do this-->
and put an end of misery...