Bionic Band?

Rev. 6:5

I was at the State Fair today. Having a bad back, I was in a LOT of pain after about 2 hours of walking around. We were having to stop every 10-15 minutes for me to sit down and rest. We came across an exhibit promising relief from back pain. People were doing weird things like standing on one leg while poking their arms out. It looked weird and I must have been staring because an employee of the display walked up and asked me if I'd ever heard of them. I told him no. He asked me to raise one leg and stick my arms out, which I did. He pushed down on my arm and I fell over. He then asked me to hold on to a piece of metal and try it again. He couldn't push me over and he was pushing hard!!!

I questioned if it was the angle that he was doing. He responded by having me put my hand down to my side. He then put his weight onto it and I started to fall over. He had me hang on to the piece of metal again. He literally put all of his body weight on my hand, but he couldn't budge me at all!!!

After some mumbo jumbo spiel about it blocking pain, etc., I bought one because I'm willing to try anything when I'm in pain. We stayed another 6 hours at the fair only stopping to sit once for dinner. I had pain, but it was muted so much that I was able to carry on my day!

Anybody else tried this??? I want to say it was a placebo effect, but I'd never heard of this and I'm left trying to explain how it worked!
Yep, that's it. I'm not into voodoo science, but this thing is very weird. My wife, the ultimate pessimist who sees through magic acts, went through their tests and couldn't figure it out.
My 15-year-old just got home from UIL band ratings and my 11-year-old did the one-leg balance test on him. My older son thought he would fall down when he held onto the metal. He immediately started laughing and saying, "What? What? How is this possible?"

Hell if I know, but it IS!

Anybody else have one of these? Dude selling it to me said it gives you weird dreams. I need to go to bed soon. :thumbsup: