Black Industries Speedo Adjuster ARRIVES


Today the mailman delivered the long awaited speedo adjustment control.

I started this thread to verify that Roman is a man of his word and good things come to those who wait.

For those involved in the beta please use this thread to share installation impressions and suggestions.

1) I will get a length of heat shrink to encase the wires in the harness -(electrical supply house)just to clean uo the install.
Mine arrived today! I haven't opened it yet but I will! Thanks Roman. I feel like it's my birthday.

Maybe we should order our T-shirts from Australia? :)

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 18 October 1999).]
Roman, I have started to go through the installation pages and from what I can see you have done a great job in explaining the installation.

I will suggest that we use some heat shrink over the connections. Graingers is an industrial wharehouse located all over the US,if you have trouble sourcing the heat shrink you can also try Home Depot and Radio Shack.

I will take digital photos to assist others in the installation.

Just send me an email with YELLOW BOX inthe subject line.

Roman thank you again, as your hard work is truely appreciated - KawAbuser

[This message has been edited by KawAbuser (edited 18 October 1999).]