The way I did it.
clear tube on bleed nipple on clutch slave cylinder into 1/4 full jamjar of clean brake fluid (ensure end is fully submerged.)
top off fluid reservoir.
hold clutch in, undo nipple
Do nipple up, let clutch out
pump clutch a few times.
repeat from begining
( when emptying fluid only do nipple up hand tight so you can undo it again without spanner (8mm ring is best))
when fluid in reservoir gets close to end add a bit of new fluid. bleed a bit more, add a bit of new, bled more etc. carry on untill all the fluid in the reservoir and that coming out of the end is clear. FIll reservoir up. bleed as before, but tighten nipple with spanner inbetween operations to ensure no ingress of air. when fluid coming out of nipple has no air in it, jobs a good 'un
If reservoir does go dry you will first have to bleed from the top banjo with the handle bars turned to the left. carful not to splash fluid over everything as you turn them with the top off.......(trust me on this one!!!!!!)
Easier way is speed bleeder. !! but that costs more money and, if like me, bike is only form of transport, how do you go to get it if the clutch and / or brakes don't work??!!!
I think that just about covers it...anyone add anymore to simplify the process??