Blue Book on 08?


This is not an ad to sell my bike.

But, I do plan to list it soon and I'd like some input. ???

I've got a blue 08 with 10k miles in perfect mechanical condition. It's got cosmetic damage from my one trip to Barber so all the plastics have proof that on my next trip I'll have a lighter bike and tire warmers. I've got 1" risers and heli bars plus front and rear corbin seats with a backrest. I put full alien head exhaust on it, new tires, and am just thinking about selling it. A friend of mine nearly died and it's hit me pretty hard. What should I list it for when I get ready? I presume I should put the stock bars and seats back on it and sell them separately. What do you think?

Any input would be appreciated. My head isn't fully wrapped around this just yet. My buddy lost all use of his right arm and I just can't ride with confidence at the moment.

I know the blue book costs but no one is buying right now. Part of me thinks that I should fix the cosmetic damage and wait til the economy picks up, but I just don't know.

Thanks for any help ya'll can give. I might be listing it in classifieds soon so I'll clean her up and take pics. Maybe that will help.

Go to and check the trade in value. Check the cost of replacing the skinned up plastics. Deduct the plastics cost and that's very close to what your bike is worth in today's market.
Don't get in a hurry to sell your bike, I lost a friend while riding, screwed my head up for a while, thought long and hard about selling my bike, glad I didn't, he wouldn't have wanted that any way, just give yourself time...
I just got $8275 for my 08 trade in, with 10295 miles on it. It was in pristine condition, and I have bought 3 bikes from the same dealership, so your mileage may vary.
Man, that's interesting. I'm reading the market and it's obviously down so people aren't buying fast cars/bikes as much. I'll try to clean her up and post pics this weekend to get some good opinions. Thanks ya'll.
Sell your bike out right. Don't sell it to a dealer! They will only give you 35% of what it's worth. Dealers are a straight up insult because they will turn around and sell your bike for three times as much that they gave you. Legalized crooks in my opinion. :moon:
Here's another vote to wait a few months to sell your bike, make sure that's really where your head ends up. Emotion is high for you, right now.

If you do decide to sell, you're right, it's a soft market currently. Lot better than a few months ago, but still a buyer's market. But if you're not expecting top dollar, you're patient and advertise it via Craig's List, or similar, you can do ok. (I just sold a couple bikes, and did alright here, in Ca.) Visit eBay and see what 08's have sold for, recently. There's a search function to facilitate that. That'll give you a ballpark figure.

Good luck, whatever you decide do. To ride a bike safely you have to be absolutely committed to it, and sitting back to reflect on whether or not you're still in is not an unwise thing to do if there's doubt.
Go to and check the trade in value. Check the cost of replacing the skinned up plastics. Deduct the plastics cost and that's very close to what your bike is worth in today's market.

kbb trade on an 08 is like 6800, i challange ANYONE to find an 08 for that price...
Kelly Blue Book is a friggin joke. The difference between their suggested Trade in Price and their suggested Retail Price for a 2008 Busa can be around $2800. Thats a lot of money for a dealer to make off of someone for just rolling your bike in their backdoor and them selling out the front door. About 8 years ago the difference in the two suggested prices was only about $1000 but they have since increased the gap between the two quite dramatically. Its price control as some dealers swear that they can't give you any more than Kelly Blue Book.

Bull. If I paid $13,000 with tax and setup for a 2008 Busa they have the gall to tell me my bike is only worth $6800. Thats a loss of $6200 because some people who put out a bogus price guide are shoving these prices down our throats. I've always wondered if the dealers are somehow tied to these people.

Like I said....I've seen dealers quoting these prices from Kelly like they are bible and saying that there is no way they can exceed this price, like they will be arrested and thrown in jail if they do. The dealers can do what they want but they use Kelly Blue Book to justify their greed. To have to lose close to 45% of your bikes worth in one year is a total crime. Screw em. I'm glad to see these dealers struggling and going under. I remember the "Bad Old Days" of Harley dealers charging 3 to 4 thousand dollars over list. I also remember how high the cost was for the first year or two that the Busa's were released.
Ok, so I got some pictures to show ya'll. I'm with 'faster.' It's ridiculous to suffer such a loss when you sell a year or so later! I paid 12k plus ttl with a 5yr warranty, so I know I'll take a loss. But, I got a good 10k miles of fun and several hours in the mountains. Plus, the 9 hour road trip to get the bike with my 'friend' Erin makes for a good story...since we started dating and are now engage to marry next June. :D My busa helped me find my wife! ;)

But, I've decided to sell. I just bought a 2003 Cobra and need to make room in the garage. The busa has the alien head with tuned power commander, buell pegs, risers, heli bars, tinted db screen trimmed for the heli bars, and new tires. I also have corbin seats with backrest that I'll probably sell separately. I got them from a fella on the board so I'll probably sell them on the board. I might as well sell my joe rocket soft bags too. Man, this is sad. Anyway, here are pictures. Let me know what I should list it at. Keep in mind I went down at Barber...twice. No mechanical damage, just cosmetic on both sides. I loved Barber, fwiw.




Whether or not you use KBB probably depends on whether you are buying or selling!

You can always ask for retail but in today's market I'd guess you'd be waiting a very long time for a buyer.
I am buying a 08 orange and black Busa tommorrow, I paid $8600 with 628 miles on it, bone stock and in perfect condition. Somebody is losing there ass, but it sure aint me:cheerleader:
dude, fix the bike and wait.

you are not going to get **** for a bike that has that much damage on both sides with 10k miles in this market.

there are zillions of gen 2 busas for sale, mint and cheap!

sorry man, hard facts. but good luck in what you decide...