I was getting ready to buy a BMC filter but was asked if I want the Street or Race version? I do not have a modified airbox. I do have a PCII but took it off as I still have the OEM pipes (for now). I didn't feel any appreciable difference with it on but the gas mileage went to hell.
What's the difference between the Street / Race versions of this filter? Frank, you tend to give solid recommendations. What's your opinion on this? I don't plan to drag race but would like to make all the simple mods I can to the bike to give it a little extra kick.
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God, I love the busa.
What's the difference between the Street / Race versions of this filter? Frank, you tend to give solid recommendations. What's your opinion on this? I don't plan to drag race but would like to make all the simple mods I can to the bike to give it a little extra kick.
I performed a search but found no hits on this question.
God, I love the busa.