bogus email from Paypal


Donating Member
I just wanted to let everyone know that I just got a bogus email from what clams to be paypal. It stated that there were failed attempts to log into my account from an overseas IP address and that I should log in and check my history to make sure everything was OK. The website looked real enough but when I went straight to things were a little different. I sent them the email and got a thank you letter back within 2 minuets stateing that it was infact a fake site. So keep an eye on your email and if you get it forward it to

"Thanks for taking an active role by reporting suspicious-looking emails.
The email you forwarded to us is a phishing email, and our security team
is working to disable it."
Got it a few years back. Also got one from EBay and UPS. The UPS one was from a guy in Europe sending the tracking number to the $3500 fully chromed Busa he said was on the way to me and he wanted his money via Western Union. He never got the money, maybe that's why I didn't get the bike.

Just be certain who you are giving your information to ... ESPECIALLY online!
Got one Monday wanting to know if I wanted to dispute a $147.00 payment. I have only used my wife's PP account never mine. Sent it to them as well and got the same response!
Dammit, I was gonna use it to buy a 2008 Busa for $3200.00 from some guy who just got sent overseas to tend to his sick childs mothers brothers sons uncles moms grandfathers godchilds stepsisters brother named...






Okay maybe that's not funny...
I get so many I don't send them to Pay Pal any more just delete them, I figure that any time I want to talk to paypal I will call them, best way for everyone involved!
The scammers are getting better each and every day.
I get those about every month or so.

The one to watch out for is the one from the IRS. Looks like this:

After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that
you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $142.84.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-6 days in order to
process it.

To access the form for your tax refund, please click here

Internal Revenue Service
Dammit, I was gonna use it to buy a 2008 Busa for $3200.00 from some guy who just got sent overseas to tend to his sick childs mothers brothers sons uncles moms grandfathers godchilds stepsisters brother named...







Okay maybe that's not funny...

That must have been Hank
I never click links in e-mails. I ignore and delete all e-mails from Paypal, Ebay, and all banks, etc. etc. Even if I know the sender, I have a great deal of hesitation clicking on links.

It pays to be paranoid!

I use to get them all the time
just delete them or send them to the spoof addy