This bike gives you a smile from ear to ear when riding.
Shell hit 60mph with furry!
She only has about 8-9 HP, my 130D riding mower has 20HP.
Yes most riding mowers will have double the power of this motorcycle.
This week im ordering a full exhaust and some other cool little items.
They should outlaw cars for towns and force everyone on one of these. Everyone will save a fortune too!
My insurance for liability only is $27 a year, plus shes supposed to get over 100 miles to the gallon too. I rode 60 miles and not even a quarter tank is missing yet.
Side note:
It was really weird after riding the Z in a jockey position and then riding the Busa. The Busa felt like i was riding that HUGE Tron bike. All the reactions were super slow compared to the Z. The Busa initially felt like i was straped to a torpedo or something in that shape. She felt more comfortable going straight then in curves. So I immediately went on the highway for a quick top speed run :-) immediately the Busa felt normal again :-)
If you can, run to your nearest Kawasaki Dealer and test one out. Just be prepared for a million questions whenever at the stoplights lol.
May the riding force be with you!