Boy am I out of shape!


Alive & enjoying it!
Donating Member
Went for a 300 mile ride today , it was my first long distance ride of the season for me. Took off about 3pm , got home about 7pm and I am EXHAUSTED!!
It was an excellent warm up though as alot of it was thru heavy traffic and required my full concentration.
I need about 3 or 4 more runs like that before I will be ready for a full trip.

By the end of the summer I should be able to stay on my bike for 9-10 hrs at a time if not more.

The Busa sure did lighten the load though compared to my SV650, it was a very enjoyable ride.
There's alot to be said about fully packed/expanded tankbag
Can lean chest on it, taking weight off wrists. Managed a Ironbutt thay way. It wasn't bad at all.
For me its not so much the physical but the mental part...though I will probably look into something soft to rest on when I get ready to take a really long trip.
All the heightened alertness of riding for all day. Bit unerving after long ride, how one can blank out soon after getting home.
I rode my bike 435 miles to houston and 435 back back one time. After that I bought a bike ramp and some tie downs and load the bike up in the truck whenever I go down. I dunno if it is a lot easier on you on a busa but my 954rr is pretty ruff to do distance on, my old R6 was even worse.
Miles miles miles....I do 300-400 mile days all the time, sometimes 500-600 mile days. Its as much mental as physical.
300 mile trips are great.

300 mile trips with heavy traffic sucks a$$, especially when your on a Busa. You just want to open it up and can't. Hell I'm thinking about getting a GPS so when I hit heavy traffic ,like say I-4, I can find a back road just to get around it.
True about mental and physical drain and getting blanked when you get home. It takes me a little while to get back into the longer rides after the winter time.
Right on the traffic it sucks azz, But I've been on Harley Before the Busa Its like night and day can't wait to go on a long ride the Busa is so much more comfortable and smooth.
The longer trips are tough mentally and somewhat physically. Haven't done many, but the concentration got to be a little tough to maintain sometimes.
Traffic definitely sucks azz on the Busa. The long trips can be exhausting, especially if you're not used to doing them regularly.
I am planning a trip to Fayetteville, NC from Largo, MD. Its about 340 miles. I am looking forward to it. The speed limit in NC on I-95 is 70 mph. That means I can go 140 mph :-)
I am planning a trip to Fayetteville, NC from Largo, MD. Its about 340 miles. I am looking forward to it. The speed limit in NC on I-95 is 70 mph. That means I can go 140 mph :-)

Also have you tried the ol' putting your arm on the tank? Albeit, not the safest method of traveling but this may help your physical exhaustion.

What do you guys think?
I used to be the same way 300-400 miles and was ready to curl up with some warm milk and sleep But between 1500 and 2000 miles all of a sudden it just stopped and now I can leave the house at 8am and not return until 5:30 or so. So, hopefully for you it will come with time as it did with me. You might notice alot of your pain will subside when you stop whiteknuckling the grips at least that was what it was with me not even realizing how tight I actually had ahold of em was wearing me out in the hands,wrists,arms and shoulders. Next time you ride take a second and open up your hand kinda so it forms an upside down C on the grip and notice the difference you feel.
Hope that helps ya it sure did me,