Boys and their toys


Just want to send out a pic that I took this past weekend.

Busa (Demona)
Hog (Screamin)
Mastiff (Arthur)

Witch weights more?
Witch coast more?
Witch one is more fun to play with?

I am not sure if the pic will be here or not. I guess I will see if it works when i post the Pic.
If not pic then i am lost on how to do this.

Great it worked

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Man...I love that dog...look at him...looking for somthin...
BTW, welcome aboard...

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Big T

Coming through your may on the 9th of June, have a 3 on 3 basketball tournament in VA. Just FYI

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No not riding to much gear that I have to bring.
I am going to a little place called Middlesex County
Down RT17 of RT 33
like the bikes-LOVE the dog! I'm getn a Great Dane next spring, can't wait! Welcome to the best Busa site on the web!