hi gang - i've just stripped my front calipers and replaced everything with new seals. All pistons were cleaned and plopped nicely back in to the calipers. no problems until i'm bleeding them. I know how to bleed brakes but it seems like i've got an air-lock in there somewhere. I've tried bleeding them about 6 times - even taken the bike for some rides to try and shake the remaining few bubbles to the top of the caliper - all to no avail! the brake lever will go back to the handlebar until it touches it and although the bike will stop ok they're obviously not right. The pistons all seem to move pretty freely - and i've tried tying the lever to the bars overnight a couple of times to try and get the last of the air out. I can't see anywhere air could be lurking since the bleed nipples are at the top of the calipers.
Has anyone else had this problem or anyone think of a possible remedy?
Has anyone else had this problem or anyone think of a possible remedy?