Brake Bleeding


There's an '02 busa in my garage that belongs to a friend. The bike is generally abused. It's been down twice and is need of many things beyond what I've done for this bike already. I'm just helping my friend with some critical work in an effort to keep him alive as he has very little riding experience and doesn't own a single tool to service this bike.

I just installed new pads and rebuilt his front brake calipers as the right side was completely locked-up. In addition, I rebuilt the master cylinder because the lever was soft before we even started the brake work.

At this point the bike is in order and rideable, however, the brake lever is still very soft. There's a lot of draw before the becomes firm. Once firm, there is good braking. But the amount of draw on the lever compared to my yamaha is double or more.

Finally I get to the question....Is this normal busa brake lever behavior or should I continue to bleed these brakes for another two days as I've already done.

I'm a pretty good mechanic and I'm getting fluid streams while bleeding but the lever is just not getting any firmer.

Thanks in advance  
The stock brake lines are soft. If you search the site you'll find many folks have done the braided steel replacement.
for brake bleading you need a mighety vac. its a vacum for bleading the brakes about 35$
in the brake instructions use fress fluid, after you are done di it again the next day. just incase any small bubbles rise. 2 times is the charmer. just my 2.5 cents
Although the Busa stock lines are soft you should see some firmness after bleeding. Not doubting your skill, but remember there are 2 calipers on the front also.
Thank you for the replies. I'll get the vac device and start from scratch that way I'll know for sure.

btw - I do like the bike. I get to ride it while it's in my garage - thems the rules...
Apply medium pressure to the front brake lever and place a zip tie over the grip and the lever...let it sit this way over night and check the feel of the brake lever in the morning.
I used the mightyvac (x2) and went left-side to right-side. In the end, all of the tips each of you has given me has made some improvements but just not enough for me to feel good about the brakes. I've concluded that the original rubber brakelines are just too flexible.

Would someone recommend a source for braided lines or would replacements from Suzuki suffice?

Please continue to add remarks; you help is very much appreciated.
well..if new lines are in fact needed then go stainless lines.

Check with board sponsers for pricing. Use the kit that runs the two lines off of the master cylinder. Run each side up to that point.

It's a little bit of effort but worth it in the long run.

