Brake reaction timer!


What's your story?
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Interesting to find out what your average reaction time is and then below it shows the amount of distance you would cover before your braking began.

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i went through that tranning with a big rig when i got my cdl
and they told me it would take 100yds to stop a tractor with a 40ft tralier loaded to 80k from 55 to a complete stop.
well i was in so cali on the freeway and the dude in front of me lost his bed liner in traffic and let me tell you i stopped that truck alot quicker then 100yds. lol
somethime the math looks good on paper but you need to take in to cosideration alot more.
OK screwed up the first time around, but I still think that this simple test would be better conducted with a trigger a little more relevant... IE a Red Light or Sign.... Still interesting enough...
Here's about all I can do... Reset about 3 times...

No problem...... I dont' live on the net. Sort of have "hunting" Skills for search engines..
OK screwed up the first time around, but I still think that this simple test would be better conducted with a trigger a little more relevant...  IE a Red Light or Sign....  Still interesting enough...  
Here's about all I can do...  Reset about 3 times...
How do you capture a screen image like that?
I see this done every now and again and would love to know the secret.
Press "Print screen" or "Prnt Scrn" when looking at what you want to capture. Then go into whatever photo editing program you have or even MS paint I think and select file-New-the size should default to your screen settings, then click OK. Then Select "Paste" and you should be good to go. Then save the file and your done, unless you wanna crop it down some...

dang Rev ... my average was .40 something ... am I getting old and slow or what ?!?!

Nah, I was anticipating the change, it varies but I got lucky twice, my previous attempts all brought me in with a .25 something... Oh that and I am a professional mouse molester... All them First person shooters prolly help as well... Gotta have a fast mouse button...
Press "Print screen" or "Prnt Scrn" when looking at what you want to capture.  Then go into whatever photo editing program you have or even MS paint I think and select file-New-the size should default to your screen settings, then click OK.  Then Select "Paste" and you should be good to go.  Then save the file and your done, unless you wanna crop it down some...

Thanks, that's pretty cool!
Most of my reaction times were .25 to .27. Had a couple of .24s........a couple of .30s....

I am 47 years old. Back in my Kick boxing days...I think I could have done better. We did a similar thing with a stop watch. On then off. My fastest was .20. Second to experience....reflexes are what will save your ass on a busa or any bike.

Great little thing. When newbies are considering whether to purchase a busa or a fast bike....perhaps they should be required to do this sort of would be sort of a diagnostic test.
So now Revilicious can lay claim to a couple of items...

Fastest color and now
Fastest finger?
Yikes....don't let him near your wallet
Hey, when you have NO life you find uh "things" to keep you busy...  Video games I think are what helps here.

Well that and I use my empathetic nature to "Feel" when the thing is about to change...  Yeah Yeah, I know... "Sit down and shut up"
   Don't make me get all Jedi on your asses....

"There is NO Spoon.."

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