Burning up the lowers?


Think it was AQUADIOSMED who did an extensive post on this months ago and suggested jiggling of exhaust first to get it at best possible distance from fairing pieces and then adding some heat resistant shielding for added security. Place that's "tightest" is the single pipe piece just before the silencer at the point where it sorta comes out of the fairing at the bottom rear RH side and it would seem logical that this goes for all replacement exhaust systems.
Me, I don't have THAT problem at all as I'm using the A-TECH half-cowl lowers so I have no fairing pieces close to exhaust anywhere!
about a month ago someone mentioned using exhaust tape. you can buy it from dennis kirk or someplace like that. you should put tinfoil in the front by the oil filter between the plastic to keep from burning.also put exhaust tape where the pipe exits the fairing close to plastic. that should take care of most of your problems (maybe). i dont know about other exhaust besides akropovic. anyone else done this?
My '91 ZX11 came stock with a heat shield in the bottom of the lower fairing to protect it from the stock exhaust heat. The shield was some sort of aluminum tape. Without it, the stock exhaust would burn the paint. You could get this from the dealer back then as a replacement part. It just stuck on with a sticky backing. It worked.
solly animal I misunderstood his ? as sayanora did, thought he meant other mods assoc. w/...
lofty,I have the Ti-force,I had to notch the belly of the lower fairing.On the right side lower fairing I (gorilla glued)a strip of thermo-tech header heat wrap. IT works great and you cant see it.
i installed a muzzy and noticed it was touching i didnt like the rear plastic on the bike due to a 4 into 1 exhaust so i was able to fix both problems with one modification remove rear plastic get a 3/4"x 3" x 1/8 " thick aluminum pull lowers about 1/4 apart mark holes and drill use nylon lock nuts you should have about 1/4 "from pipe this worked for with no problems
I wrapped my Akrapovic exhaust with Thermotec exhaust wrapping to help manage the heat better.It helped alot and it's suppose to give about 2 horsepower.I cant verify the horsepower gain but my bike does run cooler with the wrap on.
I've heard that alot of people have problems after installing some after market exhausts that the lowers get burned up in some areas if you don't modify them.
What kind of mods are we talking about?

Anybody got any experience with this?
Just ordered my new pipe yesterday.
Do a search on the "P.A.I.R" Block off plates mods..
P.A.I.R. is a air injection system who injects air into the exhaust when the pressure in the exhaust is below air pressure. It is a way to make the exhaust cleaner by itroducing ocygene to the ( possible ) unburned fuel that is in the exhaust.The system itself is made of a tube from the aircleaner to a distribution box. From there it goes up to the cylinder head. Some here on the board say that the engine makes more horsepower without this. Whether or not it is true I dont know. What I do know is that U dont need it and if U remove it the popping in the exaust goes away ( the popping or flame on trailing throttle is unburned fuel exploding in the exhaust.

It is not to bad to do at all.
Good luck!

[This message has been edited by sayonara (edited 21 June 2000).]
And what does that have to do with the original question here about lower fairing parts getting burned by complete replacement exhaust systems?
check posting on labusas, dsavage, explains the process for the akropovic.

most "quality" exhaust systems rely on slip fit with springs;

snug exhaust header in place

hook up headers to "y" with sprngs;

check motor, oil drain etc for clearnace,

apply creative wiggle to get max alignment

put on can, belly pan,

the biggest probles is the right belly pan bolt, it tends to hit the exhaust,

use a spacer on the fainring side and this is eliminated;

kaiser foil, folded into specific wedgies
is helpful, if you have "close" spots;

I recommend to not install sealer,

let the pipes "free float",

you will have "0" vibration!!!!

the main thing is "be" observant,

make sure the alignment is right, there is plenty of wiggle room to get it right;

if it will not line up,

call the distributor for replacement


post for help!!
Ive installed 3 seperate exhausts on 3 seperate bikes.

When you say wiggle the exhaust for adjustment, what do you mean?
I dont remember there being any play in the exhaust once the flanges were in place and the support bracket was bolted up.

Were does the adjustment come from?

Maybe you should read start of topic again and see that 2 sentences are related.

Mods to prevent burning up lowers is what he was talking about.

No smartass, just reading and trying to understand properly before replying.
Micron included peel off adhesive heat resist. strips to stick to your lowers. No melting problems here.