Busa Break In?


I have a 00 red/gray on hold at a local shop for about the next two weeks until I pick it up. Before I get the bike I just want to know how to break it in. I've heard be nice to it and keep it below 5K for the 1st 500 miles and I've also heard that the bike needs to be run hard during break in to attain the bike's full possible power. Which is it or is it a combo of the two theories? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Stick to what the owners manual tells you!
It works... Then at around 2500 miles, change to synthetic oil.....
stick with the book, after the first 500 miles don't pass 8,000 RPM for a while I forget how long but the book will tell you. As for the synthetic wait until after the bike is FULLY broken in.
i followed suzuki and brock davidsons advice when i received bike i drained oil put fresh oil in suzukis is fine ride the first 25 miles up to 5500rpm drain oil only at 25 miles then add suzuki oil again ride 75 miles up to 6000rpm then drain oil again then put suzuki oil in ride the next 300 miles up to 6000rpm from 400 miles to 500 miles i took mine to 10000rpm at 500 idrained oil and filter then use suzuki oil and filter i now have 680 miles just did leakdown all cylinders are 2% or below
I broke my 2000 Blue/Silver in just like every other IDBA or Prostar racer does, in the water box! I rode the bike about 100 miles nice and easy then took it out to the drag strip to get a few passes in. It's a proven fact if you break the bike in hard it will produce more horepower in the long run. My best time on stock motor, pipe, and pcii was a 9.54 and I'm 230 lbs! Now I see a ton of guys lighter then me that can't even break into the 9's on their bikes, but they did break them in nice and easy...By the way my bike now has over 2000 miles and has never been back to the dealer since the day I picked it up! Just my .02
Follow the owner's manual: 0-500 miles limited to 5,500RPM. 501-1,000 miles limited to 8,000 miles. Over 1,000 and it's broken in.

If you use 5,500 RPM as a shift point during break in, you will be at 105 mph by the time you reach 6th gear. Thus, you rarely need to use 5,500 RPM even in the twisties if you take it easy and not race anyone.

The important thing during break in is BOTH the RPM's and the heating and cooling cycle. Just like forging, riding your bike up to operating temperature, then letting it cool down completely is what strengthen's the internal engine parts. The RPM's is what help's "seat" the parts together. This makes the 500 mile oil change extremely important since you will want to get rid of the "shaved" metal parts from the engine parts seating themselves.

I found my 00 Busa's gearbox a bit notchy until after the 1st oil change and the first run up to 8,000 RPM. I also noticed that the transmission shifts smoothly under high RPM & heavy loads compared to part throttle & light loads. Weird.
I'm with gsxrboy.Hammer the piss out of it.That break in rpm stuff is like trying to eat just one potato chip...it dont last long!
do you think suzuki is going to rely on people purchasing a bike that goes near 200mph to break a motorcycle in . yosh told me these things are broke in when they arrive . if you dont beleive it just drain oil of a brand new 0 miles once bike it is black.
Allll right you guys. Quit trying to get Dewey 4 to hammer his bike before it's broke in. Geesh! Busa2 I know how particular you are with yours. If you really thought it was broke in at the factory why did you change the oil 6 times in 600 miles?
warbird it was 3 times. i was more curious than anything to see what the oil looked like at 25, 100 and 475 miles i did take it to 10000rpm through 4 gears several times . i also drained my oil at time of delivery it was darker black than my 600 mile oil change
Sorry good buddy, I read your post above and thought it was more than that. I drained mine too when I got home. It was dark also. Not to dark though. A lot of assembly lubes used when its put together. Different types too. Would color the oil no?
B u l l s h i t !

Let's see if you ever hit 10,000 miles without a problem.

Bad advice, go by the book on the break-in, then at 2500 miles switch to Mobil MX4T synthetic oil.

I'd like to see some proof, not just "it's a proven fact" of bikes broken in hard ever producing more HP than a properly broken in bike.

I am so completely amazed at some of the total horse s h i t that get's posted in these boards.
Someone said it ages ago

Break it in hard, yes, you might get 0.5hp more, but your bike won't last anywhere near as long.

That was ages ago, like 2/3 months. Anyone remember??

Nuts ;)

Forgot, by the book, then Mobil 1

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 01 August 2000).]
Yes Nuts, that was ME!!!!!! That is absolutly NOT TRUE!!!! DEWEY4, break your new busa in like the manual says and you'll be fine. Gosh, you can take it up to 5500 rpm for the first 500 miles. That will get you over 100 miles per hour in top gear. More than enough for a fat ticket and jail time. Me personally? I break mine in like they were made out of glass. Never had a "slow one" yet. If your gonna race, constant engine dissasembly shoud be expected. If your gonna ride on the street and race occasionally thats the last thing you want!