busa motor in srad750'99???


Hi i really like my gsxr750srad 99. it has for the past 2 ye. had 195hp at the wheel, helped by a mc-xpress turbo kit.
but now i want more..(what a surprice
so i try to figure out how to fit a busa motor in the 750 frame.
the busa does have a stronger base setup, and as you know make a lot of hp. well tuned.

So does anyone know the messurments of the busa motor.
so i can compare it to the size of the mounts in my frame.
Regards Bo - Skandinavia
You will have to cut frame box,box it in,rebuild new motor mounts out of cnc blocks and weld it all back in.We have done several srads with 1k motors in them,not many busa motors due  to weight and more intailed cost.Buy a 99-01 busa for almost what your going to have in it when done.we will do it for you and ship it to you cash upfront though roughly gonna be $3k cost wise just for frame build.

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thanks, 3k $ labor + 3$ for the busa motor... ok
I'll wait til spring (marts-april) and then test a busa at a shop, and deside then.