Busa rider from Oklahoma

:welcome: to the best 'busa spot anywhere, bro! You've got an amazing cache of 'busa folk in Oklahoma with whom to ride.

Happy holidays, to you!

Be sure to stick some pix up here otherwise, you'll be flogged mercilessly by the entire 20K+ membership base.

:laugh: Just kidding yo, but most of the people here cannot read, so they require pictures.

Welcome from a fellow Okie. We would love to see some pics of your ride. :cheerleader:
You are lucky to have some awesome members living in Oklahoma.......Welcome!

When the weather decides to cooperate, we need to have a local meet and greet. Member numbers are growing in Oklahoma!
Are you going to the Bash?
When the weather decides to cooperate, we need to have a local meet and greet. Member numbers are growing in Oklahoma!
Are you going to the Bash?

Thats what Im talkin about.

I think the Okla. group has doubled in the last Month, Warm Weather = Get Together.

Eye kan Reed Butt wood lik two c piktures as wel.