Busa wont start


Got my first Busa about a week ago, its a 2002 gen 1 Hayabusa. I watched the guy turn it on and off multiple times before buying it. I bought it and it drove super smooth on the way home for 50 miles until I stopped to fill up the gas and it wouldn't start up after that. The battery is good--I have 2 of them with 1 being brand new, the relays and fuses are all working, I replaced the Starter Stator which seemed to be going bad and replaced the regulator as well. I replaced the fuel pump and immediately had increased gas pressure coming out when flipping the kill switch on and off so I know that cant be the problem anymore. I replaced all four spark plugs and checked for spark which I am getting when I try to start the bike. The bike has sounded a lot better since replacing all these parts and it's turning really fast now but it still wont start no matter what I do. The air filter looks completely clean and its obvious the bike had maintenance recently because the oils completely clean. I ordered a new stator/alternator which I forgot to check and also an ECM that hasn't came in yet. Spent about $500 and 10 hours working on the bike so far. One thing that could be an indicator to what's wrong is when we tried to jump start the battery the negative side started smoking and the bolt got really hot. I don't really know what that would indicate what was wrong but this only happened once when I broke down at the gas station and hasn't happened since. Only thing I think it could be is the ECM but maybe I'm wrong. Any input on what it could be? Anything I can still troubleshoot?
Also when I put the bike into dealership mode and I got the -COO code which I'm pretty sure means it detected nothing was wrong with the bike. It said that and then when I checked the fuel pump, it wasn't working. I fixed it within 5 minutes because I realized I put it back together wrong but the point is the bike didn't realize something was wrong which is why I think it could be the ECM that died after being shorted out maybe. (Just my guess)
Sounds like the regulator/rectifier if the battery is smoking.
They are a common failure.
They rectify the current at the stator from ac to dc, and regulate it so not to overcharge the battery.
Welcome to the forum @Capa.

I think the jumper cables were put on backwards. Is that possible based on your recollection? If yes it may have blown fuses and it may have blown the ECM and other electronics. You tested fuses and relays so you may be on the right track with the ECM as the last piece. Do you know anyone who has a busa, where you can plug the ECM in to test it?

With a dead charging system a battery will run a bike for something like that 50 mile trip. It is possible that is what happened: It started with a topped-off battery, and it ran the bike until the battery was out of juice, coincidentally around your fuel stop. This is supposition but one possibility is that it began with a bad charging system but then the jump start did further damage.
Welcome @Capa

Always sad to hear of this sort of thing...as these bikes get older, more issues will come to light...I agree with @sixpack577 and @Hayabusa Wannabe that is sounds like a battery/regulator/rectifier issue...when it got hot after your ride to the gas station, it shut down....

Did the bike start at the gas station after boosting it?

For my own knowledge I went into the "search" function and typed in "bike won't start" and there are pages and pages of threads on there....