I was at my dealer today,and a salesperson told me something i didn't want to hear,but its better that i did,so now i'm telling YOU.
About a week ago a 'BUSA took a hit around my way.It was at a 3lane intersection,the light was red and busaman was in the left lane waiting for the light....the light turns green,and he casually begins to make his left.
And then out of nowhere comes mr.carguy from the far right lane,who is attempting to make HIS left by crossing over the other two lanes,and in the process t-boning busaman.
Thank god....he survived.
However the bike is totaled,as the salesman put it.He said the frame cracked out,so you could only imagine the calibur of the impact and the extent of other damage.
This just goes to show,how unexpecting things can be.....with a very bad driver near by.All the sugar carguy had to do was accept the fact that he made the wrong choice of lane,make a right then turn around anywhere,and go straight through the intersection in the path he so desired,god i hate bad car drivers!
Hopefully he is getting sued for his life,'cause he deserves anything that comes to him!
Be very careful out there,its not ALL about grannies pulling out in front of you.
Bad operators...of all different machines,range from age & gender.
And now,i will reinforce these 5 words.
Scan Identify Predict Decide Execute
SCAN for certain trouble
IDENTIFY what the object is
PREDICT what the object will do
DECIDE what your gonna do
EXECUTE your move
This should be done all the the time,
to me.....there words to live by.