Anybody else here a member of Just curious dont see much action over there.
i signed up when the board was down. visited for awhile after but your right it is a little slow over there. I dont like the black screen. Tybalt's good people. This is home for me. I barely have time to keep up here.
i pop in from time to time
did you see my post ct. over there. its like less than 100 i think
Im on it quite a bit, they asked me to be a modd a couple weeks ago so i dont think anyone one has any problems with the ladies. lol ill talk to you over thier!!I have a sign on but don't use it much at all. The site doesn't not seem to be as accepting of the ladies as the org is. Not that I have anything bad to say about the site, it seems like a very good site, just slow and not too much ladies conversation.