A friend bought this bike 2 weeks ago with 6000 miles. Complained about a bad vibration / head shake. Well threw it on the lift to find a out round front tire, and balance weights all over both front / rear wheels.
After a trip to cycle gear for him, and my wife to get freeze out clothing. I sent him home in my car to pick up his parts, and new tires.
Taking his C14 apart, and then the tire pressure sensors to solider in new batteries.
Now all is in top running order.
I'll upload shinko video soon.
After a trip to cycle gear for him, and my wife to get freeze out clothing. I sent him home in my car to pick up his parts, and new tires.
Taking his C14 apart, and then the tire pressure sensors to solider in new batteries.
Now all is in top running order.
I'll upload shinko video soon.