CA Open Carry going away......


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Funny how things get twisted and turned in the weapons argument in this great ( insert puking Smily here) state....

This is from the the Radical LA Times...

Keep in mind CA Constitution has NO provision on the right to bear arms...AND counties can independently rule out open carry in thier respective areas...anyways and interesting read....on where Comiforniais headed (or has been all along)
Open carry: It's not for California
The Assembly approves a bill that bans the open carrying of unloaded firearms; the state Senate should do the same, and the governor should sign it.

The open carry movement, an aggressive campaign asserting the right of all Americans to carry unconcealed firearms in public, operates under a simple premise spelled out in a banner headline on the website: "A right unexercised is a right lost." But in California, the opposite may well turn out to be true — in-your-face demonstrations by gun-toting activists have prompted a legislative backlash that may end open carry in this state for good.

That's OK by us. There is no compelling reason society should tolerate weekend commandos flashing their firearms, confounding law enforcement officers and terrorizing the public.

The Assembly on Tuesday approved a bill forbidding the open carry of unloaded firearms. (It's already illegal to openly carry loaded guns, and only people with permits issued by a law enforcement agency are allowed to carry concealed weapons.) The bill was introduced by Assemblywoman Lori Saldana (D- San Diego) after about 60 armed open carry demonstrators frightened families and tourists on Pacific Beach last year.

Carrying an unloaded gun isn't as harmless as open carry advocates like to claim. It only takes a second to slap a clip into an unloaded semiautomatic, and an armed society is not a friendly society; angry disputes can turn deadly when the antagonists are packing heat, and untrained shooters can miss their targets and hit bystanders. Moreover, it is very difficult for police, or anybody else, to know whether a gun is loaded while it's holstered.

Even gun-loving rural states are wary of open carry. Last month, Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry — who has an "A" rating from the National Rifle Assn., meaning he does pretty much whatever the gun lobby asks of him — vetoed a bill that would have allowed people with concealed-weapons permits to openly carry loaded guns. Granted, that's a little different from the California situation, but his reasoning rings true here too. "Proponents of open carry laws claim criminals will be discouraged from committing lawless acts if other citizens are publicly displaying their weapons on the street," Henry said in a statement after his veto. "Law enforcement officials disagree, however, saying such a scenario makes it more difficult for officers to determine the difference between criminals and law-abiding citizens at a crime scene or domestic disturbance."

The state Senate should approve Saldana's bill, AB 1934, and the governor should sign it. Gun enthusiasts can find a more socially acceptable way to assert their manhood. We recommend growing a mustache, or getting a biceps tattoo that does the hula when flexed.

Of topic...Sometimes I like to remind people that yes our second amendment is there...and our bill of rights is also there....

But we have rights that we inherit as Humans....not because the Government (which is only there to ensure those rights are secured and exercised) says we have them.....

We have more than just 10 rights...and they are not given to you by the govenrment and surely cant be taken away by them either...

for the people by the people...

and as a race....

We have the undisputable right to with that comes..defend ourselves....I wll tote my gun to the day that I die even if my CCW expires....


BTW: remember Effective February 2011, buyers of ammunition must provide a thumbprint and state identification.[48]

If your from CA....
When the police are the only ones that have guns, we live in a "police state".
Welcome to California, the police state.!!
dang....a HOON was just out zipping thru the freeways over the weekend with a black thingy on his hip
I have followed this with much interest and am not surprised it passed. The out cry over the idiots that decided to make a show of carrying their guns openly brought this upon us in CA. We can only hope that Gov. Schwarzeneger will veto it when it comes to his desk but not much hope there. There has been a lawsuit filed in Federal court against the implementation of AB962.

AB962 Info Home
Florida had open carry for a bit after a law forbidding it expired .
You would walk into Denny's and they would ask folks open carrying to 'check their guns in'
Really weird time it was ?
I don't think if I could I would carry 'open' .
It's just asking for problems all the way around.
First why carry an unloaded gun ?
Yes it takes only a second or two to load a mag but that may be the only time you have to save your life or the life of one around you .
Second it's just asking some idiot to try to snatch it from you .
Carry fully loaded ready to go concealed .
Then nobody knows you got it until you need it .
My motto..... If you don't want to lose your rights, then stop hiding them under your shirts and in your pockets.


You can have my rights when I am done with them. :bowdown:
Florida had open carry for a bit after a law forbidding it expired .
You would walk into Denny's and they would ask folks open carrying to 'check their guns in'
Really weird time it was ?

i was there when that went down. went into effect at midnight. guys were walking into stores at like 12:01 strapped:rofl:
i was there when that went down. went into effect at midnight. guys were walking into stores at like 12:01 strapped:rofl:

Was about ninety days whereas there was no law on floridas books regarding carrying and yes it was just like the old west . Be in the grocery store and look over to see some guy carrying an 8in .44 across his chest . Florida acted fast and enacted their cwp doing away with open carry .
Carrying a gun is a very personal thing that unfortunately a greater and greater amount of people don't like . They believe what CNN tells them and think all who carry are potential snapperheads who are gonna go postal at any time . Yes I will defend even those folks and God forbid if the time ever comes where I have op to make a diff I will not consider my safety above those around me . I will defend complete strangers as if they were my own family without thought .
from our IBA run, notice my right side. too bad CA doesnt have the castle law.....
Aug 1 IBA Run 082.jpg

Aug 1 IBA Run 082.jpg
Florida had open carry for a bit after a law forbidding it expired .
You would walk into Denny's and they would ask folks open carrying to 'check their guns in'
Really weird time it was ?
I don't think if I could I would carry 'open' .
It's just asking for problems all the way around.
First why carry an unloaded gun ?
Yes it takes only a second or two to load a mag but that may be the only time you have to save your life or the life of one around you .
Second it's just asking some idiot to try to snatch it from you .
Carry fully loaded ready to go concealed .
Then nobody knows you got it until you need it .

Amen to that!!
God i love arizona, law just went into effect that you can conceal and carry without a permit as long as you as you can legally purchase a firearm. I would always rather have one and not need it then need it and not have one, especially here in arizona were **** is always crazy. You hardly ever find me without my .40 somewhere on me. :firing:
That's a surprise! I didn't think you could even own a gun in California any more!

Sorry just a Texas joke.

Lucky me: I live in Australia, where the Media, various lobby groups, and the Police have convinced our Government that "Guns kill people and are evil, and anyone who likes to shoot is a mass-murderer in training."
It's getting to the point where it's almost impossible to get a firearms license. If you even have a conviction for something like assault (like, getting into a fight at a bar), the Police will deny you a firearms license.
The cops here are all crooked anyway. A few years ago they "lost" an entire 20' container full of Glocks. Guess what started showing up on the black market?