cage driver stuck up for me



I was tooling past the local Kroger, soc' mom on cell fone wanting to go rite in front of me---I hi/lo beam, her blow horn, she's oblivious to her surroundings(like Im shocked).
She pulls her stupidity and I let her of course, then this cage behind me starts flashing brights blowing horn raising CAIN. Next lite he jumps out of his wagon, I'm thinkin oh crap I'm gonna haveta fight this loonie so I dismount. Dude with long gray hair STORMS(doesnt even look at me) past me to soc mom's window and starts SCREAMING AND FLIPPING HER OFF!
She ran the light to get the hell away, and on his way back to his car behind me(I'm standing there tripping on all this) he says
"I ride a Sportster and HATE idiots like that."

weird, but cool I guess.
I was watching her and only goin 35 or so, I was ok Mabusa(tx). Dude behind me scared me. This happened in a real big busy intersection.
Yeah those long haired, tatooed harley guys coming at ya can be a bit scary I wonder she ran the red!
I don't get to ride as much as I like, unfortunately. But it seems that every time I do I'm constantly flipping people off as I seem to be in a lot of wrong places at a lot of wrong times. A few weeks ago I was an inch or two from getting run over by a lady in an SUV whom was on the phone and moving into my lane. The real f uc k ed up thing about it was she moved into my lane while looking the opposite direction on a cell phone let alone not signaling. As I saw the vehichle edge from the right to the left of the next lane to my right it caught my attention. I honked twice before the vehicle entered the lane and had to almost stop to prevent the impending accident. As I am now standing on the horn giving the driver the high sign the SUV suddenly flips back to the right hand lane. I catch up to the window to make sure the driver sees my disfavor in her driving. As I am saluting w/ one finger she puts up the her hand apologetically and as we approach the upcomming red light she apologizes verbally. I yell back to her "Get the F U C K off the phone!!!" A lot good her apologies are. If I had not been watching her vehicle's movement and avoided the accident I would have been a forgotten memory by now.

And again last week I am making a perfectly legal 5-10mph left turn when the light is going from yellow to red. A desperate driver behind oncoming traffic slowing for the red light can not wait and cuts through the gas station on the corner to make a right turn. While in the apex of my turn I notice movement to my right and throttle down and choose a different line and make sure I am behind that driver. While slowing down I look at the lone driver in the VW Jetta or Passat and notice that he/she is just focused on making the right turn and not about any oncoming traffice whatsoever, be it a Peterbuilt or a moped. Of course I get alongside and show some universal sign language to reflect negative emotions and speed past leaving the a-hole in my dust.

Most cagers are careful in my experience but I have to say that there are just too many w/ tunnel vision. I'm surprised at the age of some of these bad drivers and wonder how they managed to live so long driving the way they do.
I think he scared the flying F*** out of her. He did outta me, he was so pissed. I bet he's been down before.
Yeah, I would have been more than a little on guard seeing someone come at me like that. I would have dismounted right away as well. Better to play safe than die sorry.

Watch your a ss. Ride Safely.
Snag - a similiar thing happened to me except the it's was a woman, not on the phone, she looks right at me (or should I say "through me") and proceeds to merge into my lane right next to me. I slow down and let her in. She looks in her rear view and her eyes got huge. I was just shaking my head the whole time.
Damm - its getting dangerous out there. Had a similar thing happen to me. Riding into work, me in the left, high-powered self-important woman in business attire in the right lane on a cell phone. We stop at a light. Up ahead her lane is blocked by cars. Light turns green and we go. Without looking, she moves right over at me! I honk at her and back off as she's still coming right at me. Then she flips ME the bird. Had some choice words for that idiot.
I've got two fingers on the brake in town, period!! Had the same thing happen last Friday rush hour. Guy turning right into my lane was too busy trying to get a date to decide if it was really safe to enter (it wasn't). He's looking at me and I'm looking at him so he sees and he still cuts me off, then apologises. I hate phones!!