on my way to work today i was calmly rideing behind a harley i had caught up to...(ehhh i was bored) and just as he split off on a y intersection i start gas on it and my eye just caught something on the road...i barely swerved to miss it and i recognized it for what it was as it rolled into the other lane. I immediatly slowed down and turned around and pulled out infront of some cars and then stopped traffic on both sides of the road. they looked at me wierd but when i picked up this long flat head screwdriver out of the middle of the road and procceded to whip it in frustration..i think they kinda understood and let me go on my way with no ugly looks.. the only thing that went threw my head was seeing that screwdriver get flipped up and impaleing a fellow biker or hitting a windshield or even getting kicked out and hurting a pedestrian. i had to stop and pull it out of the road....karma rules!!!!! remember keep your eyes out....it wont be a pothole or damn skunk or deer...but something small and stupid that can really mess up your ride