California Superbike School in Oahu!


I just got back from the Army's version of the California Superbike School, complete w/Dylan Code, here on Schofield Barracks...had an absolute BLAST. Easily the best time I've ever had on a motorcycle!

Most of the stuff they taught I had read/seen in one of Keith's books/movies, but being able to practice in a closed environment really helped solidify what they were teaching. Not to mention the fact that they were set up on the edge of an airfield, so it felt so much safer with so much run-off.

Now I only wish there was a track in Hawaii so I could play some more w/o "the man" stickin it to me haha. Started off the first few sessions nice and easy and by the end they pretty much just let us go, stopping us occassionally if they saw something wrong (throttle control/entry speed/body position were the big things they stressed).

Needless to say, all the guys w/ 600's & 1000's were baggin on me at the beggining of the day since the course was pretty tight (never even had to leave 2nd) one was laughing at end after I smoked past most (only on the 1 straight away of course, didn't feel confident enough in either myself or them to pass on the outside of a corner) :whistle:

Anyways, the one question I forgot to ask the instructors @ the end of the day had to do with them pulling me off quick during our last run. I was pretty much alone out ahead of the pack when they had me flagged in...told me I was "reaching the limit of the my traction" or something along those lines. Pretty much, the bike was leaning too far over, leaving me with not a whole lot of the tire left. I asked if it'd help if I were to hang off the bike more (still something I know I need to work leather pants just yet, just jeans with armor underneath so I'm hesitant to put a knee down)...they said it wouldn't help all that much so I should just scale it down a bit.

All you guys that are track-champs/experienced beyond my supreme-squid level of riding must have some secret trick to being able to go fast :P I know there's no way I'd ever be able to get 50% out of this bikes performance, so I was baffled when they said what they did....any pointers?

God this is a long post. But I was just PUMPED to be able to do this today. I can't wait to get home to the mainland in June/July and hopefully get to do a trackday sometime after that :thumbsup: Thanks for any advice you might have!
congrats!!! what a blast huh? :)

If you did not have leathers... I doubt they want you to get anywhere near laying a bike down... Sounds like you need some tougher gear and more track time to start exploring the bike further..

I expect "conservative" would be what they wanted and you were probably outside "their" comfort zone for the venue.. If they said you were near the traction limits, you were probably leaving some blackies on the corner exits (Busa is a champ at that)

now you gotta find a track to play on.. :)
lol, i've been given the black mark heads up as well, but by other riders, lol.
Sounds like a blast to me! Hopefully, once I'm brave enough to wear one of those leather suits in public, I'll be able to do a track day also. :laugh:
:thumbsup::beerchug::thumbsup: Sounds like you did good! I think everyone should take that course. They say by the time you leave the class and after a track day most people are guaranteed 40% better rider.
:thumbsup::beerchug::thumbsup: Sounds like you did good! I think everyone should take that course. They say by the time you leave the class and after a track day most people are guaranteed 40% better rider.

You mean those of us with $2500-$3000 bucks laying around right?
It definitaly was a ton of fun. I am looking at investing in a pair of leather track pants that don't look ridiculous on the *ahem* bigger fellas lol. I had on my mesh jacket (side of a runway in Hawaii isn't the best place for my leather jacket in the middle of the day :P). Idk about any black strips haha, I thought I was babying it for the most part

But I agree...I look forward to trying a track day within the next year...think Louden N.H is the closest place I've seen track days held (anyone know about Lime Rock, CT?)
Hahaha, wasn't expecting a "Track day"...thought it was more of a classroom thing.

And it was on an Army no pics :whistle: