Calling upon your wisdom


Ok for the pst few months i have been going wide open with the lawn care stuff, and Jessica has been ery busy with the home day care stuff. Jake is with her all day and i make sure ot spend a min of a hour a day with him, doing what ever he wants. Now the problem is Jesica and i have no time for each other. I understand she is watching kids till 7pm at night 6 nights a week, and she knows that even tho I am home, I usualy work untill midnight 5 days a week. SO needless to say our time together has been very limited. We Keeps Sundays open for family day usualy its go see her mom, my mom, then to my dads, a quick trip to dinner and go home ot get ready for the week. What is suffering is "our" time together. It seems we dont get 5 mins alone anymore. Our shedules never mesh, and i want ot do something realy sweet for her. Kind of to say " Hey i know you work hard and I love you for it".. I tohguth flowers, but no, they die, I thoght some chocolate but it wont last long. Even a card, but I think its to cheesey.. Going out is not a option as we dont have time right now, and taking a vacation wont happen till next Oct.

So any ideas I can use here? Nothing to big, but something that says I love you and were doing fine.

Oh and not a Vermont Teddy Bear, I have bought her 3 a year for the past 5 years.
Take the kids to their grandparents, and on Sat night when all the daycare kids are gone, make her a nice warm bath to soak in while cooking her a nice romantic dinner to eat by candle light. Once dinner is over, sit with each other over some drinks and just talk. Then just let the night lead to whatever happens.
Look don't take this the wrong way as a matter fact let me not post it :whistle: Diamonds are expensive an time between you is tight pm sent.. as matter of fact nevermind forgert the whole thing it could be easily taken the wrong way or improper..:laugh: Good luck:thumbsup: Sorry there is no easy or non vulgar way to type it.
Untill you can make time leave notes lots of notes. Where only she can find them. You know the kind.:thumbsup:
Tell her....randomly...out of the blue....dont wait till you Find the time...just tell her....GO..right now...then find the time...and do all the things they mentioned...send her a letter in the mail with no return address..leave her notes....most important. tell her right now!:thumbsup:
good on you for recognizing the need.... now damn the finances and make time for each other..
Forget material gifts...
Our society thinks that is the only way to express your love. Instead, demonstrate your affection in a way that she will enjoy. If that means coming in for a moment while the kid is watching a video, do that. Maybe you can come together for a regular meeting in the shower or another random time she may be able to take a private break.
As far as a vacation, you don't have to block out a week or two in your schedule. Just clear a couple of days once in a while for a jaunt to a spa, bed&breakfast or even a raunchy motor lodge. Sometimes the short bits of quality time mean more than a big production that may inevitably stress you out making it happen.
Being business owners makes it tuff in the start. There will be a time when the busness will run its self. Till then..... take the youngster to gramma's house saturday nite and get away with her for the evening... Dinner and nice hotel..... Short trip....She would love to just get away , even for a short time...

just a thought

good luck:thumbsup:
Go to a romantic place of significance (i.e. place you proposed, fav overlook, etc) set up the camera and record yourself either citing her a poem written by you or just talk to the camera as if it were her, sharing what you love best about her and how much you appreciate her. I did something similiar for my wife when we were going through the same thing and it seemed to help drastically. That was years ago and she still mentions it to her friends. I think she also gets the video out and watches it sometimes when I'm away on business. :thumbsup:
Go to a romantic place of significance (i.e. place you proposed, fav overlook, etc) set up the camera and record yourself either citing her a poem written by you or just talk to the camera as if it were her, sharing what you love best about her and how much you appreciate her. I did something similiar for my wife when we were going through the same thing and it seemed to help drastically. That was years ago and she still mentions it to her friends. I think she also gets the video out and watches it sometimes when I'm away on business. :thumbsup:

Thats nice and thoughtful but you could also just give her smart slap on the rump and exclaim aloud "your a good ole girl"! Oh wait! - that's the praise routine for our milk cow.

and as Joe Pesci says:

OK ok ok ok Ok ok ok Ok.

Here's the right answer...

Start vacuuming (or what ever she does) and when she ask you what are you're doing just answer, I appreciate everything you do and wanted to help with your work so we can spend a little time together talking and planning our future.

No down-side to this plan...
Tell her....randomly...out of the blue....dont wait till you Find the time...just tell her....GO..right now...then find the time...and do all the things they mentioned...send her a letter in the mail with no return address..leave her notes....most important. tell her right now!:thumbsup:

Having recently lost the love of my life from not talking with her, I have to go with C-Busa here! Notes, are such a great item to use! But start at this EXACT SECOND! If you have finished reading this you are not on the right path!

My best wishes for you man!