cam chain tensioner



well i talked to doug at yoshimura today we talked about the 99 recall he told me not to worry about the oo busa it is cured he also told me that there were only 6 busa's total that had a tensioner problem
i'm just repeatin what i was told i havent seen any recent articles on problems concerning 00 busa's how many replacements have you seen on oo's
I have a 99 that the tensioner did go bad.
Doug at Yosh Is a friend so I'll tell him to make it 7. I first noticed the problem when the bike started to make a little chain noise right off idle. Like when leaving a light just as releasing the clutch. As soon as it was loaded you no longer heard any noise. My dealer made the swap and the noise is gone.
If your bike is eligible for this update get it done. the onle diffrence I could see was the boss supporting the plunger was 4or 5mm longer. but mine had gone south for shure.
Leaving for Laguna this week cant wait for my first sea level ride on the Busa. Damn thing runs like a 1000 at 5000Ft.