Hey gang, I am lookin for a new point & shoot after my camera bit the dust in my crash last weds
I would like the best all around without going to an SLR.
The last camera I had FUJI F450 was kinda limited but had some great features, simple, 5.5 mp , and the coolest thing was allways charged and ready. I would just set it in the cradle when I got home.
For convienence I would buy the same again plus they are cheapr than 2 years ago, HOWEVER, I am open to suggestion for a camera under $300 with compact size and rechargable battery ... ?
any thoughts?
Thanx - K
I would like the best all around without going to an SLR.
The last camera I had FUJI F450 was kinda limited but had some great features, simple, 5.5 mp , and the coolest thing was allways charged and ready. I would just set it in the cradle when I got home.
For convienence I would buy the same again plus they are cheapr than 2 years ago, HOWEVER, I am open to suggestion for a camera under $300 with compact size and rechargable battery ... ?
any thoughts?
Thanx - K