Can I leave my pair valve on the bike?

OB_busTa Kaw

I am putting my Muzzy system on this weekend and I was wondering if I leave the Pair valve on the bike will there be any drawbacks? I know you save about 2lbs. but 2lbs. is of no concern to me. Not worth the trouble for me.
:) If U leave the P.A.I.R. on the sounds u are getting out of the exhaust during deaccelration is popping and blue flames out the exhaust. Some likes them. I dont.
Usually the pops is because of a lean fuel cobdition but in this case its air injected AFTER the combustion chamber that does it so it of no harm ( unless u are REALLY unlucky and one of the pops opens an exaustvalve at the vrong time....). anyhow. Take the pair OFF. Its of no use now when U have taken the stock system away.