My UTV (Polaris RZR) with Haybusa engine is boiling over and overheating when stopping but does just fine when riding (just a hair above centerline). I am well aware of getting the air out, have a low temp fan switch, run a strong SPAL fan. Am switching to 2x bigger radiator which is already bigger than the busa radiator(but perhaps not as effecient, etc.), and going to properly convert to Evans waterless coolant to deal with this problem.
Even with the above, I am still floating around the idea of installing an electric water pump while I have everything opened up and drained. Even though I have much longer plumbing runs to the radiator in front of UTV back to engine in rear I think the stock water pump is doing ok since temps ok when running it hard. or, am i being fooled and the long runs are of significant concern?
Can I just install an electric inline water pump and only turn it on after I shutdown the motor? In other words, with these electric motors still flow and no act as a restriction to the stock pump when it is working but the electric pump is not powered on? Any ideas for wiring/logic that would automatically turn on this pump for X amount of seconds after the ignition switch is turned off so it is an automatic feature?
Could I run both the stock and inline electric at the same time? Or, will this vapor lock one or the other since the electric likely moves fluid much faster? Just curious as seems like a waste but then again maybe neat feature to just turn on when I idle it down after a hard run for increased flow in theory ...
Or, am i just asking for trouble trying to run both in any method and really need to run only the electric pump? How exactly (details appreciated) do I block off or modify the stock pump so that it does not interfere with the electric pump?
Even with the above, I am still floating around the idea of installing an electric water pump while I have everything opened up and drained. Even though I have much longer plumbing runs to the radiator in front of UTV back to engine in rear I think the stock water pump is doing ok since temps ok when running it hard. or, am i being fooled and the long runs are of significant concern?
Can I just install an electric inline water pump and only turn it on after I shutdown the motor? In other words, with these electric motors still flow and no act as a restriction to the stock pump when it is working but the electric pump is not powered on? Any ideas for wiring/logic that would automatically turn on this pump for X amount of seconds after the ignition switch is turned off so it is an automatic feature?
Could I run both the stock and inline electric at the same time? Or, will this vapor lock one or the other since the electric likely moves fluid much faster? Just curious as seems like a waste but then again maybe neat feature to just turn on when I idle it down after a hard run for increased flow in theory ...
Or, am i just asking for trouble trying to run both in any method and really need to run only the electric pump? How exactly (details appreciated) do I block off or modify the stock pump so that it does not interfere with the electric pump?