Anguish,I would check the web site for motorcycle shops in the Boston area,look under the Manufactors listing and sometimes they will have a search area for the location you want and they will post the dealer in the area and sometimes the 800 number,call them up and ask for direction.Last time I went to Boston,in the 84's found out it was Harley country and Vett country.A good Harley dealer was down near Reveria Beach area"my spelling might be wrong"but it's near the airport area.For food you got to go to HILLTOP steak house if its still there,I think it's on route 4 or 8.Watch out for the round about no off ramps like California.Went to a place in Sagu's area where the food was cheap and good,Lobster tails and clams.Good Luck,hope someone from Boston area gives you better places to go.