Canadian vacation

This one is self explanatory...

and one of the Osprey and one of the chicks.

what? No pictures of the fish?

Looks like it was a heckuva cool time, dude....very nice!
Very nice! Looks like a GREAT get-a-way!!!! Thank you for sharing. I love to see other peoples leisure time fun pics!!!
what? No pictures of the fish?

Looks like it was a heckuva cool time, dude....very nice!
Fishing wasn't that good this year... the water was really warm and the fish were deeeeeep. I caught one four in half pound bass... I had two decent fish on that snapped my line. One was a decent size pike... I will see if I can dig up the pics of the fish. When we go up in early spring we pull them in left and right. We try to stay away from the bass when their spawning but sometimes you can't help hooking into a couple. I'll try to dig up some biggun's.
very cool....

I'm into fishing myself...I love it! Rod and reel, net, throw net, spear (day and night)...

I love it...
very cool....

I'm into fishing myself...I love it! Rod and reel, net, throw net, spear (day and night)...

I love it...
Do you shave the fish you catch?

I drive my brother In - Law crazy... waking him up at 4am everyday to go out and fish from the boat... He bitches and moans about getting up that early... but as soon as he hooks into something he is wide awake. Next year we are actually going to take a spear gun up and try to fish a little that way. when we go swimming we sometimes mask up and put on the fins... their are some big fish swimming around down there!
very cool....

I'm into fishing myself...I love it! Rod and reel, net, throw net, spear (day and night)...

I love it...
Do you shave the fish you catch?

I drive my brother In - Law crazy... waking him up at 4am everyday to go out and fish from the boat...  He bitches and moans about getting up that early... but as soon as he hooks into something he is wide awake.  Next year we are actually going to take a spear gun up and try to fish a little that way.  when we go swimming we sometimes mask up and put on the fins... their are some big fish swimming around down there!
umm...yeah. About that one...

I'd be careful when you go spear-fishing. Most especially if you're not too familiar with the water. Bad juju....

Another thing with the whole spear-fishing thing. If you say you got some pretty big fish down there, I'd be twice as careful. I dunno for what reason, but some of those fish can be damned aggressive...even moreso when they get bigger. If I believe correctly, Pike can be particularly nasty when they get to be pretty big.

Over here, it ain't too bad...we don't got too many aggressive big fish. Most of them are pretty much the passive-aggressive that means that if you shoot them, you better shoot 'em in a good area. Otherwise, they'll turn on you and try to either a) impale you, or b) thump you pretty damned good.

And then, of course, you have the barracudas and the white or black tip sharks running around with the occasional Moray eel or sea snake. They ain't too bad, though.

Just be careful....scope out the area and read up on the characteristics of the big fish in that area. At least that way, you'll know what to expect...and you can prepare for it.

Just my honest .02.

and no....I don't shave the fish.

When I said big... I meant relative to a lake. Not to worried about a five pound bass attacking in anger:laugh:
I would probably drown from laughter from an angry bass attack. We never really see pike when snorkeling... they move to quick. I don't even know if it is legal and we were talking about it more as a lark then as a really serious attempt... Probably more danger with me sticking myself then a fish attack:laugh:
wicked cool. looks like a great place to spend some down time. thanks for shareing the pics.