Carbon Fiber Rims any comments?


I just want some opinions on Carbon Fiber Rims. Here is what I'm looking at.
set of 2 for $3000 Is this a good price?
Blackstone is the only brand I found Are there other brands?
Should I get a 6" rear or stay with stock 5 1/2"?
What are some pros and cons of getting a bigger rear?
What are the pros and cons of Carbon Fiber Rims?

Is it even worth getting carbon fiber rims?

I'm still debating whether or not to get them. I have the cash on hand but don't know if it would be a wise decision.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

I would save your money man, unless you just gotta have carbon wheels for the Whoa factor. Buy yourself a set of OZ forged aluminium wheels. Light weight, stronger than stock, and should run about $1500-1700. Leaving a nice little pile of cash to improve brakes, suspension, or motor, something that will really make a performance difference. Like a full exhaust system and a PC3. But I would pass on the carbon wheels...
I've been in the process of dealing with the Blackstone wheels. Huge headache...the first set sent to me the front wheels bearings would barely turn. They said put em on and riding will break them in. NO WAY. Sent the front back and they put in different bearings. When I had the wheels put on the front would not hold air. Dropped 10psi in the length of time it takes to check it twice. Soaped the rims and couldn't find any leak. Reinstalled stock wheels as I at this point had no confidence in carbon fiber wheels. When we removed the wheels we found the was leaking thru a spoke into the hub!!!!!!!!!!!! Sent them back to Lockhart and am ordering some pentas. I have heard of others that have had no problems and really like them but they're not for me. BTW there's a good article in Motorcyclist or Sport Rider on aftermarket wheels(weights,prices) Good Luck
OK I decided to go with OZ model HL01 in black.
Does anyone know of a website where I can get a good price?

Also should I go with 6" on the rear? What is the pros and cons of going to 6"?
Does anyone have pics of what a 6" looks like on a busa?
Pretty Sure the Stock Busa rear is 6 inches allready so you should be good to go. I was groovin on the OZ's for a couple of reasons. The biggest was actually DOT approval, they are one of the few aftermarket wheels out there that have an actual factual DOT approval. Price wise I dunno where to go... Just shop around a little, Talk to your local dealer, and then maybe check out the HL02?
Hey Bro, before you buy anything, go get the February 2004 issue of Sport Rider Magazine. They have a pretty darn good review of several different wheels from different companies. What they focus on is the actual performance of the different wheels. It's pretty informative.

I'd say OZ, Marchesini, PVM, and Carrozzeria would be worht a hard look. The OZ HL01's are not in the test but I figure if you are going to go aftermarket go big. Getting something that performs better than stock is important but they should also look a whole lot better. In my opinion the HL01's are kinda lacking in the looks department, just my opinion. I think the OZ HL02's or the PVM forged Aluminum wheels would look real slick and are both going to improve handling a good deal without breaking the bank.
Hey Bro, before you buy anything, go get the February 2004 issue of Sport Rider Magazine.  They have a pretty darn good review of several different wheels from different companies.  What they focus on is the actual performance of the different wheels.  It's pretty informative.  

I'd say OZ, Marchesini, PVM, and Carrozzeria would be worht a hard look.  The OZ HL01's are not in the test but I figure if you are going to go aftermarket go big.  Getting something that performs better than stock is important but they should also look a whole lot better.  In my opinion the HL01's are kinda lacking in the looks department, just my opinion.   I think the OZ HL02's or the PVM forged Aluminum wheels would look real slick and are both going to improve handling a good deal without breaking the bank.
Was gonna say the same thing Rev said, except I'd include the JB Power rims in the list of ok pieces. I figure Yoshimura has helped work out any flaws in that wheel since he runs 'em on his race bikes.

I'd skip the Carbon wheels after reading this review and all the sidenotes. It's worth a read. Changed my mind about the wheels I had planned to buy.

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Zoo - You probably made the "right" decision if you feel good about your reasons for choosing OZ (they appear to be excellent wheels). So, I won't be trying to change your mind (why should I, it's your bike/decision), but I would like to offer a perspective that differs with some of the preceeding opinions since I do have a set of the BST CF rims on my bike that are working exceedingly well.

CF rims are certainly not for everyone. They are very pricey, they represent a "newish", advanced manufacturing technology (which can be read as potentially fallible), and they are not DOT approved yet. The latter is one reason why they are not more popular in various forms of US racing. They are allowed in many European (and elsewhere) racing events and they are disproportionately well-represented on the winner's podium in those racing circles which speaks for itself in terms of their performance advantages. That is why I installed them on my bike--performance gains, all around performance.

I consider my 170 some-odd rear wheel horsepower to be adequate for my riding purposes but my Busa could use a little help in the handling department because of its total mass and mass distribution. The CF wheel experience, compared with the factory Busa wheels, is like a near death experience, or combat, or free fall... one can't really know what it's like until they have shed that much unsprung weight from their Busa. The BST wheels instantly transformed my bike from its relatively sluggish-handling form into a competent, well-balanced bike that smoothly and precisely changes direction "right now", almost by merely thinking about it. At a minimum, I can only characterize the handling improvement as profound! No, it's not quite an R1 but it moved far in THAT direction. It is now a true sport touring machine.

I presume that the "whoa factor" mentioned above refers to impressing other people. If that's your thing, more power to `ya. I installed them to impress me, as a rider, wherein my bike form follows function. In fact, you can't even tell that they are CF unless you are very close to them. From just a few feet away, their beautifully-crafted, glossy finish makes them appear to be black-painted rims. I like the low key, anti-bling effect (I have no chrome on my bike).

I did extensive research on these rims before buying them. I don't casually drop $3K on anything without being well-armed with information. I don't like negative surprises either. I spoke with one person who is running them on his 7-second Busa dragster--no problems after repeated launch floggings. I spoke with another person who is purely a street rider and he raved about them--no wheelie consequences except that the front wheel comes up much easier now. I spoke with BST in Africa and their US importer, Moto Wheels and picked their collective brains. Actually (as a Physics major), I was looking for sales-hype bullsh*t but could find none (I'm also a skeptic).

For me, "performance" is not just acceleration even though I have accumulated several hundred sportsman drag bike passes through the years. What I found is... the BST wheels made the most dramatic handling improvement currently possible with a single, simple modification. I don't usually rave but I am totally elated because I actually got what I paid for. I suppose it all comes down to rider preference/orientation, priorities, and $.

Now, I have to make major adjustments to my suspension and learn how to ride my Busa all over again. It's that much better and I have NEVER grinned sooo much when riding!  

Good luck with your new wheels.
