Career assessment tests


Has anyone ever taken a career assessment test?? How accurate were the results?

Reason I ask is, I have been doing basically the same job for 15 years at two different companies. I am wanting to make a change but I have no idea what other type of job position I would be successful at.
I cannot say that I have taken the career assessment test.. I didnt even know they had one out there.
Never taken one either, but maybe you can post what you do or don't want/like and the org could help?
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google a personality eval...some free ones suggest types of jobs that are a good fit + people that you are best compatibale with. It is scarry how accurate they are / what you learn about yourself.
They had chisels back then? Wow!:moon:
Just kidding around....just been a LONG time since I've even heard mention of those types of tests. They're normally dolled out by the HS counselors in an effort to help young folks get an idea for what they may be suited for. Never really heard of anyone *ahem* older taking them. Back then was only 20 years for me. :laugh:
I took one in Junior High. It said I should be a television repairman. That's a growth industry if there ever was one.
i just took the test for the second time in the past year or so (had to take it for a psych class) and I got very similiar results. ENTP 11 50 12 11 the letters are type the numbers are strength. all zeros would be a very good adapable personality but i don't think that possible. anyway after you take the test there is a link with career suggestions. hopefully it will be helpful