Casey anthony vs state of florida

She is and always will be guilty in my opinion.
In a court of law with no real evidence they found her not guilty.

If she didn't do it who did?
She is and always will be guilty in my opinion.
In a court of law with no real evidence they found her not guilty.

If she didn't do it who did?

I wish I knew. The story changed how many times?
Did the jury not see a pattern of lying?Guilty of lying. Just another disappointment delivered to you by the judicial system at the expense of an innocent child.
just because she is a liar, it does not make her a murderer...i am very thankful to live in a country where public opinion and sentiment does not rule the courtroom and neither does a political convict, you must have proof beyond a reasonable doubt...are there mistakes made and issues with the system? yes, on both sides of the table...however, it is the best system i know of and i wouldn't change it just to make the outcome different in one case
I honestly think the parents had more to do with it then what was talked about. Casey Anthony is guilty as hell and may she get what comes to her very soon.
just because she is a liar, it does not make her a murderer...i am very thankful to live in a country where public opinion and sentiment does not rule the courtroom and neither does a political convict, you must have proof beyond a reasonable doubt...are there mistakes made and issues with the system? yes, on both sides of the table...however, it is the best system i know of and i wouldn't change it just to make the outcome different in one case

^ agree.

I think she's guilty as hell, but the reason she was found not guilty was not due to a downfall of our judicial system, but rather due to a failure by the prosecutors. It is their job to prove beyond a doubt that she did it. If they cant do that, then she cant be determined to be guilty.
^ agree.

I think she's guilty as hell, but the reason she was found not guilty was not due to a downfall of our judicial system, but rather due to a failure by the prosecutors. It is their job to prove beyond a doubt that she did it. If they cant do that, then she cant be determined to be guilty.

+1000, the prosecutors failed that little girl.
I didn't think they would find her guilty, if they had gone after her with a different charge it may have stuck. They didn't have the evidence to support premeditation, if they had gone at her a different way they would have gotten a conviction. In my eyes the prosecution wanted a death sentence. She is liar, did she murder the child? I don't think so was she responsible for the child's death? I believe she is, and now because of the prosecution's decisions on how to prosecute and handle the case there will be no punishment for actions and lack there of.
I was stunned by the jury decision. I didn't think that the defense had a defense. But, I didn't watch it much at all, only listening to people at work. Well, she got off scott free after driving her car around with her dead daughter rotting in the trunk. Plus she partied hard once the girl was least thats what I heard.
I believe that the child drowned by accident, but the father hid the body for some off reason, I don't think they/she killed the baby out of cruelty, but I also think that she knows exactly what happened, and is trying to hide it, but my opinion means nothing and I didn't watch the whole trial so I may be completely wrong in the conclusions I've drawn, its just a gut feeling, but justice will be served one way our another, just cause the trial is over doesn't mean the case is closed, I'm thinking that now they will go after the father harder

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If you noticed the parents walked out right after the verdict was announced kinda weird if you ask me, something is going on

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