Cash back credit cards anyone?

My wife and I use a Costco Citi card and usually get around $700/year back. But there is an annual fee to be a Costco member. I can't remember how much it is, but over $100 and less than $200. And even with just the two of us, we save enough by buying bulk on some things and also buying bigger ticket items there to offset the annual fee.

I had a B of A credit card for many years that got me air miles, but they started changing the rules to make it less worthwhile so I let it go.
Years ago I used to be interested in the apr but not in decades. Those that don’t pay it off monthly are spending too much. Their punishment is the high interest added to their unpaid balance month after month after….the credit card companies count on those spenders. Although they ‘launder’ my money over their books and get some benefit from that, I’m sure they probably don’t appreciate pls those of us who pay off the balance each month plus, receive cash back incentives to use the card. :) Funny world we live in.
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Capital One user here. I use mine for everything as well as all my business expenses so it adds up fast. My “free” money usually helps fund a pewpew build or lately my most recent hobby… golf.